According to a World Federation of Music Therapy member, singing is more than just a pleasant habit many …
stress relief
Mental clutter refers to times when our mind has too many thoughts, making it difficult to process and …
Watching Fish Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Well-Being
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesResearchers have found that watching fish at an aquarium or in a fish tank can improve your physical …
It is commonplace for humans to resort to laughter to beat the blues of depression or fight back …
Food Is Medicine: Powerful Help to Relieve Stress From Work and Life Overload
by Emma Luby Emma LuWork, work, and more work! Modern work and life seem to be teaming with speed, pressure, overwork, and …
A long, hot soak with essential oils and a fragrant body wash are the ultimate recipe for relaxation …
Coffee is a favorite beverage for many people, especially office workers, who may drink it regularly every day. …
One of the relaxing techniques explored in the West in modern times is deep breathing. This has been …
What are sensory deprivation tanks? Also known as isolation tanks or flotation tanks, they were developed in 1954 …
Keeping abreast of the times and changing with them is something really worth striving for. With COVID-19 spreading …