Nestled in a small mountain town just 30 minutes from Sendai, Japan, lies a modest supermarket that defies …
The Secret Sauce of Coles’ and Woolworths’ Profits: High-Tech Surveillance and Control
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesColes and Woolworths, the supermarket chains that together control almost two-thirds of the Australian grocery market, are facing …
Solving the Supermarket: Why Coles Just Hired U.S. Defense Contractor Palantir
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesWhat does the Australian supermarket chain Coles have in common with the CIA? As of last week, both …
A Mustard Seed Supply Shortage Is Looming on the Horizon
by Jack Robertsby Jack RobertsIt seems that the world is staring at a supply shortage of major food grains used for making …