A bank is a financial institution established in accordance with the law to engage in currency and credit …
Switzerland’s Safety Unveiled: A Journey Through Security and Serenity
by Viena Abdonby Viena AbdonSwitzerland, often called the heart of Europe, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, pristine lakes, and the majestic …
Sustainable LivingEditor's Pick
The Changing Landscape of Elderly Care: Switzerland’s ‘Time Bank’
by Max Luby Max LuEveryone grows old, but how can the elderly age with grace without becoming a burden to their children? …
Switzerland’s Official Tradition of the Chimney Sweep Mafia
by Armin Auctorby Armin AuctorA clean home is every human’s desire, and cleaning up is difficult enough as-is. No,w imagine having an …
Are These the 10 Safest Countries to Be in if World War 3 Breaks Out?
by Rory Karstenby Rory KarstenWhere are the safest countries to live in the world? This question is probably something you don’t ponder …
White is the lightest color and according to physics, white light comprises all hues on the visible light …
Human RightsEditor's Pick
Switzerland Allowed Chinese Security Agents to ‘Roam Freely, Unsupervised’
Swiss authorities are in damage control after it became public knowledge they had a secret 5-year deal that …
Out of all the things that unite us as human beings, complaining about the rising cost of living …