Pang Tong was an ambitious man, full of talent. Zhuge Liang recommended him to Emperor Liu Bei. However, …
zhuge liang
The ancient Chinese placed great emphasis on self-cultivation and moral development, believing that tolerance was a form of …
Chinese CultureEditor's Pick
Zhuge Liang’s Strategy: Winning Wars and Hearts with Trustworthiness
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisIn traditional Chinese philosophy, the character for “trustworthiness” (信) is composed of the characters for “person” (人) and …
The ancient book Three Kingdoms by Sanguo Yanyi (三國演義) depicts the periods of the Three Kingdoms, where Zhuge …
When it comes to defeating 150,000 soldiers, you might think that a large force made up of at …
Zhuge Liang was an ancient Chinese military strategist during the Three Kingdoms era of China, 220-280. His parents …
In China, Zhuge Liang’s wisdom and talent as a military strategist are well known. He had a strong …