Pandas are solitary animals, and rarely form groups in the wild, so this huddle of 14 baby pandas is a really special occasion!
The babies were filmed last year after being bred artificially in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Normally, a female gives birth to only one cub, but this July, a female called Juxiao had triplets and they all survived, which is a world first.
So what do you call a group of baby pandas?
Well, a pack of bears is called a sleuth or sloth, but pandas are kind of special and get their own collective names to choose from:
- A bamboo of pandas
- An embarrassment of pandas
- A cupboard of pandas
Bamboo I can understand, but I’m not sure where the embarrassment comes from?
Cupboard is apparently the official zoological term after a heated debate at a Royal Society symposium in 1866. Before that, people were saying things like a spoonful or a dream of pandas.
But a cupboard of baby pandas doesn’t sound quite right to me, although it does have a cute mental image. Personally, I would call them a pod of pandalings or just a mischief!
For more interesting info about these gorgeous cubs, read our story on baby panda facts.
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