Neiguan is one of the most efficient acupuncture points on the human body, with a variety of applications for syndromes throughout the body.
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there is a saying: “The legs are the second heart of the human body.” It is a common understanding in TCM that “all diseases come from the legs,” but generally, we all ignore the role of the hands.
It is little known that using the right method, many diseases can be treated with the hands.
Mirror of the body
In TCM, certain areas of the body are like microcosmos that mirror the rest of the body. The ears, the tongue, and the hands are like this. They are like a mirror or a map of the entire body. In other words, you can treat the entire body just from these mirror images.
Selecting points for treatment using body imaging has been a TCM treatment style for centuries.
The manyfold applications of the Neiguan point (P-6)
The Neiguan point (Inner Frontier Gate), also known as the Pericardium or P-6 point, it is quite a celebrity in the acupuncture practice of TCM.
According to “The most frequent application of neiguan stimulation … is as an adjunctive point to a number of acupuncture formulas, for which it has many uses aside from treating either cardiac disorders or nausea/vomiting.”
As for the root of health troubles, TCM teaches that excessive mental pressure and stress can deplete the reserves of your life energy, also known as qi.
Different central organs of your body produce different types of qi and the Neiguan point is regarded as being particularly effective at treating all kinds of qi-blockages.
The Neiguan location
Neiguan is located three finger-widths above the horizontal line of the wrist, between the two tendons of the wrist. It may seem insignificant to massage the Neiguan point, but the resulting benefits are quite profound.
Chinese medicine doctors have found that usually the two tendons at the Neiguan point are relaxed and arranged separately.
Your emotions affect your heart and well-being and when someone worries a lot, the two tendons at the Neiguan point are tightly squeezed together.
Generally, the mind and emotions should be in a positive state. Happiness is beneficial for the heart.
But someone who is often stressed out will have a heart that is “Neiguan,” which literally translates into “closed inside or blocked.”
If you repeatedly keep adding acupressure to this point, you’ll notice that the two tendons will slowly separate, and your state of stress will slowly pass.
Pressing the Neiguan point consistently can have a profound effect on your well-being and health. This is why preventing illnesses starts with your hands.
Other benefits of acupressure to the hand and fingers
1. Prevent eye diseases
Pressing and pinching the outside base of the two little fingers can effectively prevent eye diseases.
There is an acupoint on the outer root of the little finger to treat eye aging, which is called the old eye point. This acupoint is indispensable for daily eye health. It is suitable for all ages.
The elderly can alleviate the phenomenon of blurred vision, the young can relieve eye fatigue by pinching this acupoint, and adolescents and children can effectively prevent myopia by massaging this acupoint.
2. Prevent kidney deficiency
Regular pressure on the inner part of the third joint of the little finger of the left hand can effectively prevent kidney deficiency.
There are a lot of acupoints on the little finger. Pressing them frequently can supplement the kidney and nourish yang. This is s good way of practicing preventative health care for the kidneys.
3. Relieve high blood pressure
Pressing the third knuckle of the ring finger of the left hand can effectively relieve blood vessel pressure, protect the heart, and prevent and treat high blood pressure.
Generally, when a hypertensive patient feels dizzy, it may be due to an increase in blood pressure. Pressing this point is said to relieve dizziness.
If the dizziness is serious, you can also press the center of the palm, which corresponds to the heart. This way, you can relieve the pressure on the heart.
4. Prevent diabetes
Frequently pinching the second joint of the left thumb can stimulate the body to secrete more insulin to “digest” sugars and reduce the incidence of diabetes. In addition, daily diet and weight control are also necessary.
5. Prevent breast lumps
Often massaging the second joint of the right thumb can help prevent breast lumps. Frequent pressing on the base of the right thumb can effectively prevent breast-related diseases.
6. Prevent bronchitis
The third knuckle of our ring finger corresponds to the trachea of the body. Pressing it often can effectively prevent bronchial diseases and protect the health of the bronchi and lungs.
7. Relieve symptoms of insomnia
Pressing the outer part of the root of the index finger can effectively reduce the symptoms of insomnia. Regular pressing can effectively relieve brain fatigue and stimulate the brain‘s normal secretion of sleep hormones.
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