The pleasantries of life come in all colors and flavors when it comes to sugary and oily foods. Diabetes is mainly caused by too much of the “sweet and oily life.”
If you have high blood sugar continuously, the cause is most probably the types of food you eat and the amount you consume in proportion to other foods.
According to Prof. Taylor in his “twin cycle hypothesis”: “Type 2 diabetes results from the accumulation of fat in the liver, which induces insulin resistance and increases blood sugar production.” His research shows promising results that suggest the strong possibility that under certain circumstances, type 2 diabetes can be reversed.
Traditional Chinese medicine has known for centuries that blood sugar is an indirect result of the imbalance of certain organs. First on the qi level, then on the function level, and finally on the blood level.
Check out these 5 warning signs for high blood sugar if you’d like to reassure yourself.
By stimulating the acupuncture points of the brain, thyroid, accessory kidney, and the heart related to blood sugar control, diabetes can be effectively prevented. However, it is also very important to pay attention to your diet every day.
Foot massage to control blood sugar

Massage sequence:
Start with acupoints on the left foot:
brain → thyroid → accessory kidney → heart
Then switch to the right foot:
brain → thyroid → accessory kidney
❶ Brain
Massage method: Press the big toe and slide from top to bottom
The acupuncture points of the brain are located on the abdomen of the big toe. Press the acupuncture points with the second joint of your index finger and slide from top to bottom. Divide the big toe into 4 sections longitudinally, and press each section 10 times repeatedly.
❷ Thyroid
Massage method: Use the second joint of the index finger to press and slide
Use the second joint of the index finger to align the edge of the root bone of the big toe. Then, press and slide up between the big toe and the index toe. Repeat this action 10 times.
❸ Accessory kidney
Massage method: Use the second joint of the index finger to press vertically.
Located on the extension line of the middle toe, the acupuncture point of the accessory kidney is the dent part under the root bone of the toe.
Use the second joint of the index finger to add pressure to the acupuncture point.
Place the thumb of the other hand along the inside of the second joint of the index finger, and press it vertically.
Hold for 3 seconds and relax the force. Repeat this action 10 times.
❹ Heart
Massage method: Press thumb on the acupoint for three seconds, then relax the force
Press your thumb onto the extended line of the little toe of your left foot and under the root bone of the little toe. The upper half of this range is the acupuncture point of the heart.
Press your thumb vertically, hold for 3 seconds, and then relax. Repeat this action 10 times.
After the left foot massage is over, switch to the right foot and proceed to steps ❶~❸
Rewritten by Hermann Rohr Translated by Patty Zhang
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