Barbara de Angelis said, “You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.”
When you’ve lived with your partner for a long time, it’s easy to become overtaken by daily routines. Life just happens. Kids, long working hours, and different routines can make a man feel less needed and loved.
You don’t need excessive actions to make your man feel loved. So what do you do to make your man feel special in a relationship?
How to make a man feel loved?
Make time for your man
Showing what you feel deep inside can reignite the love and passion of your early days. It will also prevent future feelings of neglect, resentment, and distance.
Yes, you probably have a busy schedule. But you can make time for each other by doing simple things like cooking for your partner, combining workouts, sharing your commute, working together, or running each other’s errands.
Whether you plan a date night out or a romantic movie date inside, it’s essential to spare time for each other.
Flatter him
A man loves compliments too. He may go all out to make his woman feel special. Sometimes he will dress sharply for a day out or take time to make dinner for the family. Whatever positive thing he does, you should try to appreciate it.

And really, it doesn’t take more than a sense of “thank you” to show your appreciation and make a man’s day.
Let’s say he made breakfast or dinner for you, but he left a mess in the kitchen.
Avoid criticizing the mess in the kitchen. Negative criticism from a woman, when he is trying to show affection or has the intention to make her happy, crushes him internally, making everything he did for you seem useless.
Such criticism may leave your man confused and thinking he did something wrong.
Relationship experts claim that men need specific things. They need admiration from their family and friends, appreciation for their efforts, and a need to be your provider and protector.
Little tweaks to how a woman reacts can make a man feel more loved than her saying “I love you,” and “OMG! You left the kitchen a mess in one breath.”
Have his back
Men need to feel macho and respected in front of their friends and family. So if you up his status, his confidence will increase, and he will see your admiration. Always remember that you are his partner and can raise his status.
In short, please don’t put him down for some small misdoings. Remember, this is not to say that you should back everything he does and says. But if you disagree with some mild actions, there is a time and place to voice your disagreements.
Ask for advice
Stereotypically, men fancy themselves as problem solvers. But, most of the time, you probably need a listening ear and not a bunch of solutions. But, hey, it’s wired in most men’s genes.
So, once in a while, let him help you make specific decisions. For example, you can use his advice about switching careers, car issues, or relocating your parent. However independent you are, let him feel part of your life and allow him to use his problem-solving abilities.
Love through words and actions
Your man also wants to hear those ‘sweet nothings.’ It’s reassuring. You can tell him what he means to you through actions and words. And you can also make him feel unique over text or sticky notes.
For a relationship to thrive and survive, it takes two to tango. So, once in a while, you can pick up the tab or even surprise him by fuelling his car. Try to plant the idea that you are a duo and not two separate individuals living together.
Know his love language
What makes a man feel good emotionally? Dr. Gary Chapman suggests that there are things that reinforce love: gifts, loving words, physical touch, quality time, and actions of service. You will solve part of your relationship puzzle if you find out what makes him tick.
As mentioned, you don’t have to go over the top with any of these gestures. People (men and women) want to feel love, not be manipulated.
Most men have been ‘wired’ to keep their frustrations to themselves. So, once in, you can give him your listening ear without offering solutions. After all, empathy is an essential virtue in all human interactions.
Men are no different from women. They just require another affectionate handling than a women do. Because status for men is what control is for women, a man will appreciate a thank you or a tap on the shoulder.
And since nobody is perfect, the right approach to pointing out shortcomings is as essential for men as it is for women. It’s like diplomacy for relationships. A negative confrontation will leave a man feeling down and maybe even invoke his ego and result in an argument, while a compassionate, more empathic approach like, “next time, you will make my day even brighter by clearing up those dishes.”
A harmonious relationship is not an end goal, it’s a work in progress, a space of growth, where the qualities of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance will always get you the most significant long-term reward.
If you want to strengthen your love for your man, these are some things you can do for him. But always try to make it look original because nobody loves fake gestures.