Organ aging seems inevitable. Or not?
As you age, your organs show signs of wear and tear. Poor memory, forgetting things, frequent urination at night, itchy skin, frequent heart palpitations, chest tightness, and shortness of breath are all common signs of aging.
But do you know when human organs start to age? Or how to deal with it and delay aging? This article will discuss the five major organ aging timetables and how to prevent them.
The human body’s aging timeline for 5 organs
1. The brain
The brain is the most specific organ in the body and is responsible for controlling and coordinating all life activities of the human body. The brain has well-developed nerve cells, which need to learn and be used continuously.
If the brain is not used for a long time, the aging of the brain will be accelerated. For example, under normal circumstances, the brain is most developed at age 35 and then slowly declines, and the aging speed will accelerate after age 45.
As the brain ages, it can lead to decreased memory, weak judgment, poor comprehension, reduced ability to express, and a bad temper.
How to keep your brain healthy
To prevent the brain from aging, it is essential to maintain good living and eating habits, quit smoking and drinking, and strengthen exercises. It is also necessary to use the brain frequently. The more the brain is used, the more flexible it becomes. The brain will gradually degenerate if not used for a long time.
2. The kidneys
The kidneys are responsible for human urine production, as well as the secretion of certain vital factors, and they stimulate the function of blood production. The kidneys constantly filter blood, and with age, kidney function gradually declines after age 40; especially long-term unhealthy lifestyle will accelerate kidney aging.
Aging kidneys can lead to frequent urination at night, getting edema quickly, elevated blood pressure, and itchy skin.
How to maintain kidney function
To prevent kidney aging, it is essential to control blood pressure well and not do things likely to increase it. It is also necessary to avoid staying late, as the kidneys are most afraid of staying late, resulting in overwork. Additionally, it is essential to be mindful of the drugs and food you consume, as many medications have some nephrotoxicity.

3. The heart
The heart is the engine in the body, which pumps blood to all body parts. The soul will never rest as long as you are alive, so the heart should be the most tired organ. But the spirit will also slowly age with age. After the age of 40, especially for men over 45 and women over 50, cardiovascular disease will rise linearly.
An aging heart can lead to frequent beating, too fast or too slow a heartbeat, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and chest pain.
How to support a strong heart
To protect your heart, you should first maintain a good state of mind, followed by a healthy diet, minimize high salt, high sugar, and high-fat diet, and stabilize blood pressure, blood sugar, and lipids. Eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, white meats, beans, and nuts, less red meat and processed meats, and using vegetable oils as the primary fats source is essential. Finally, adhere to exercise, and quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
4. The lungs
The lungs are the central organ of human breathing, and they work for us at any time. At the age of 25, lung function is at its best. But after the age of 40, lung function begins to decline.
Aging lungs can lead to frequent shortness of breath, coughing, coughing up phlegm, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.
How to maintain healthy lungs
To prevent the aging of the lungs, it is essential to stay away from harmful factors in daily life and pay attention to self-protection. Smoking is the most damaging behavior to the lungs, as cigarettes contain thousands of toxic substances. In addition, kitchen fumes and air dust are not friendly to the lungs.

5. The prostate
The prostate is an integral part of the male urinary system. However, after age 45, the prostate begins to age, and benign prostatic hyperplasia occurs, especially after age 50.
Aging prostate can lead to urine urgency, frequent urination, and incomplete urination.
How to support a healthy prostate
Men should not hold back their urine in daily life to prevent prostate aging and do not have sex too frequently. The prostate is most afraid of sitting for a long time. Being sedentary long-term can easily cause prostate compression, eventually leading to poor blood flow.
In conclusion, knowing the five major organ aging timetables and how to prevent them is essential. In addition, maintaining good living and eating habits, quitting smoking and drinking, and strengthening exercise are all critical steps to avoid organ aging.
Translated by Patty Jhang
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