In the Bible, the book of Exodus states that Yahweh performed a miracle to save his people from misery at the hands of the Egyptians and helped Moses to lead the Israelites to the other side of the Red Sea, a land of freedom and happiness. The following passage is recorded by Wikipedia:
“And the Israelites set out from Succoth. The Lord led them in a pillar of cloud by day, and shone on them by night with a pillar of fire. And the heart of the Egyptian Pharaoh was hardened as ever, and he led his chariots and army after them, intent on destroying them at the Red Sea. At the Red Sea, the Lord parted the waters and revealed dry land so that Moses could lead the Israelites to the other side in peace. Pharaoh’s army followed, and the waters came back and drowned them all.”
The mass exodus from China
At present, China is experiencing a similar mass exodus of civilians fleeing Communist enslavement. Many are traveling to Mexico and crossing the Darien Canyon jungle, which runs along the border between Mexico and the United States, in search of what they perceive to be a free world of sunshine and fresh air.

According to statistics, in the first two months of 2023, over 2,000 Chinese people have already risked their lives to escape to the United States from Latin America through methods such as illegal border crossings, tourism, study abroad, or business trips. Both local governments and civilian immigration organizations have been surprised to see such a diverse range of Chinese people crossing the border.
A businessman from Guangdong who is currently living in Florida is waiting to receive his green card. He stated: “During the pandemic lockdown, my mother had a cerebral hemorrhage and was unable to go to the hospital. When we requested to be exempted in order to seek treatment, we were instead arrested and beaten at the local police station. As a result of this mistreatment, my mother passed away and I sought legal recourse. However, as a result of that, the government forcibly shut down my company and my family of three was locked up. We were also prevented from speaking out publicly about what had happened.”
In another case, a Christian who had once been imprisoned for praying at a friend’s house traveled to Serbia without a visa. Unbeknownst to him, he was followed by secret agents who had been planted within the church. Later, the whole family fled to Mexico and joined a group run by illegal smugglers in order to get to the United States.
“We were forced to swim across a river near the border,” said the bearded man with teary red eyes. “My wife and children do not know how to swim, and they almost drowned in the river’s fast current. After I pushed them to the other side, our family cried and knelt down to thank God.” His wife added: “We have gone through 11 countries, including Turkey, Ecuador, Panama, and Guatemala. We have finally cut our ties with China in this life. We will die in the United States.”
It is understood that the majority of refugees who have fled to the United States did so out of fear of the Communist Party’s increasingly authoritarian rule, leaving behind their homes, wealth, and possessions. These refugees come from a wide range of backgrounds, including intellectuals, businessmen, and workers, as well as government officials and grassroots Party members.
Some were persecuted for dissent, others were falsely accused of criticizing high-ranking officials, some were suppressed for defending their rights, and others were detained for resisting as ethnic minorities. There were also those who were suppressed for demanding freedom, and some who were arrested for breaking away from Communist beliefs. Men, women, children, and elderly individuals — all tell a similar tale.
Jorge Venture, a reporter for News Nation, tweeted on March 20, 2023: “I’ve been covering the border for a long time and I’ve never seen so many Chinese crossing into the U.S. illegally.” According to Venture: “Arrests of Chinese nationals by U.S. border authorities have jumped more than 900 percent compared to last year.”
The significant increase in the number of people crossing the border can also be seen in the number of Chinese people arrested by law enforcement agencies. According to data from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency, as of February 2023, U.S. border patrol agents had arrested 1,345 Chinese immigrants, an eight-fold increase from last year.

According to Panamanian government immigration data, the number of Chinese immigrants in the first two months of this year exceeded the total number of Chinese entering Panama in all of 2022 (a total of 2,000).
Fu Xiqiu, president of the China Aid Association, confirmed that their agency now receives weekly requests for assistance from Chinese who have just entered the United States. His group seeks to help with their personal safety. “The key point is that the persecution of the Chinese by the Chinese Communist Party has made people in that country feel that they don’t want to live there anymore. China has become unfit for human life,” he said.
Fu Xiqiu explained that the reasons given by Chinese immigrants as to why they left China include the weak Chinese economy, polluted air, poisoned food, banks stealing people’s money, the Communist Party and government fining and arresting people at any time and for no reason, and businesses having to do what the local Party secretary wants. Moreover, there is no freedom of speech or basic human rights. The natural environment is often described as resembling a doomsday scene, and the social environment is said to be worse than during the Cultural Revolution.
He further elaborates: “The Chinese Communist Party preaches atheism — their philosophy of struggle between the weak and the strong and the jungle principle of natural selection. Consequently, the Chinese people are morally degraded and culturally ruined. People have no righteous thoughts and there are no rules to follow in doing things. The whole society is pervaded with evil, lust, violence, and aggressiveness. There are daily news reports about cars deliberately hitting and running over people, the extermination of families, children killing parents, husbands killing wives, poisonings, explosions, hacking, forced demolition, and common people being beaten by city police, etc.
In addition, the Chinese Communist Party shows no sign of improving. On the contrary, it is increasing its efforts to manipulate and destroy the Chinese people culturally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. However, there are still a few sensible Chinese people who, amidst a large group of individuals brainwashed by the Party, feel helpless, lonely, oppressed, and ostracized. Therefore, the only option left for them is to escape!
Hopefully, the United States will show compassion and help to tear down the Great Firewall and the real walls of escape, and work together with the Chinese people to eliminate the Communist Party, a cancerous tumor on the earth.”
After escaping across the Red Sea, the Israelites expressed the joy of freedom from slavery with songs: “I will sing to the LORD, the LORD is my strength … and has become my salvation …The LORD will reign forever and forever and ever!”
Now, this song is a perfect description of the psychology of the Chinese people who have fled to America.
Translated by Audrey Wang
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