5 Amazing Health Benefits of Lotus Seeds

Lotus seeds.
Lotus seeds, also known as 'Lian Zi' in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), are often used in procedures due to their health benefits. (Image: Jinfeng Zhang via Dreamstime)

Are you looking for a one-of-a-kind health booster? Lotus seeds might just be what you need. Explore the fascinating health benefits of these seeds and their significance in traditional Chinese medicine.

What are lotus seeds?

Lotus seeds, also known as “Lian Zi” in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), are often used in procedures due to their health benefits. These tiny, oval-shaped seeds come from the lotus plant, renowned for its stunning flowers and symbolic meaning in many cultures.

They are obtained from the seed pods found in the center of the lotus flower. The seeds are removed and dried before being used. These seeds go through a careful drying procedure after extraction to guarantee their best preservation and preparation. 

Health benefits of lotus seeds

They are loaded with nutrients that are good for health and support overall well-being. Here are some of the health benefits that they have to offer.

Rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants, found in abundance in lotus seeds, help lower oxidative stress and defend our cells against cellular deterioration. They contain ingredients, including kaempferol and quercetin, associated with a reduced risk of chronic conditions like heart disease and some forms of cancer.

Good for the heart

Lotus seeds help boost cardiovascular health. They help to control blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels, which helps to keep the heart healthy. While savoring their mild, somewhat sweet flavor and relishing their pleasing crunch, eating them can be a delightful approach to support the cardiovascular system.

Lotus seeds are loaded with nutrients that are good for health and support overall well-being.
Lotus seeds are loaded with nutrients that are good for health and support overall well-being. (Image: Tanawat Pontchour via Dreamstime)

Improves digestion

Lotus seeds have been widely regarded in traditional Chinese medicine for aiding digestion. Due to their calming and cooling characteristics, they are perfect for reducing gastrointestinal pain, such as indigestion and diarrhea. They are frequently used in TCM remedies to support good digestion and nutrient absorption by strengthening the spleen.

Keeps the kidneys healthy

Lotus seeds are highly regarded as kidney tonics, considered to nourish and strengthen this vital organ. They are often prescribed for symptoms associated with kidney problems, such as fatigue, lower back pain, and frequent urination. 

Promote sleep and relaxation

Lotus seeds contribute to mental and bodily relaxing effects. They are known in TCM for their capacity to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and enhance sleep. A cup of lotus seed tea or a warm beverage flavored with lotus seeds is perfect for moments calling for a calm and peaceful slumber.

How lotus seeds are prepared in traditional Chinese medicine

They are processed and incorporated into TCM in a variety of ways, and here are some of the most common methods:

Herbal formula

Lotus seeds are often used as a component in TCM herbal formulations. These combinations of herbs and lotus seeds produce targeted treatments for various medical issues. The ingredients are frequently simmered in water to extract their healing effects and then made into decoctions or teas.

Lotus seed paste

Lotus seed paste is a common component in desserts and pastries. Lotus seeds are ground into a smooth, creamy substance, frequently sweetened with organic sweeteners like honey or dates. The filling in mooncakes, dumplings, and other classic Chinese delicacies often contains lotus seed paste.

Lotus seed porridge

The seeds are boiled until they are soft and tender with rice, other grains, water, or a mixture of water and milk. Especially in the cooler months, people frequently eat this porridge for breakfast or a snack because it stimulates digestion and improves general health.

Lotus seed soup

Lotus seed soup is a popular TCM treatment for its nourishing and soothing qualities. Lotus seeds are simmered with Chinese herbs, dried fruits or white fungus, and occasionally meat or bone broth. 

Sweet white fungus and lotus seeds soup.
Sweet white fungus and lotus seeds soup. (Image: Lcc54613 via Dreamstime)

Lotus seed tea

Lotus seed tea is a simple but energizing brew that tastes good, hot or cold. Dried lotus seeds are soaked in hot water to make lotus seed tea, which allows the flavors and healthful elements to permeate the beverage. This tea is famous for its relaxing properties, which help the body unwind and sleep soundly.


Indeed, lotus seeds have several benefits, from promoting heart health and digestion to nourishing the kidneys and promoting calm. No wonder traditional Chinese medicine values them because they can be enjoyed in several ways, and it has so many benefits to offer.

However, despite the many health advantages of lotus seeds, it is sometimes advisable to use caution. Due to their natural sugar content, people with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels when consuming them. They are said to be cooling in nature. Thus, those with digestive problems or an inclination towards coldness in the body may need to ingest them in moderation.

As with any dietary modification or the addition of new components, it is advisable to consider specific situations and seek the guidance of medical professionals.

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  • Haidene Go

    Haidene Go is a reader, a speaker, and a writer based in the Philippines. She is a wonderer, a wide-eyed observer of the world, and a lover of words. She has always been fascinated of the human’s capacity to externalise their complex feelings and thoughts through language. Through her written works, she hopes to capture the beauty of being human, her own and other’s.