Job hunting can be challenging, especially in a competitive job market. Shifting industry landscapes, increased qualified candidates, and economic conditions contribute to job seekers’ challenges. These challenges make it harder to find your dream job.
That said, with a strategic approach, finding the right job becomes less stressful. This article provides valuable strategies on how to find the right position. But first, let’s see why it’s harder to land your dream job right now.
Why it can be challenging to land your dream job
First, if you are searching for your dream job, remember you are not alone. It’s a multifaceted issue that combines resume standards, many candidates, and hiring practices. But once you know what you are facing, you can find a strategy to get your dream job. Here are six situations that you should be aware of.
1. Economic downturns
When the economy declines, companies may lay off workers and reduce hiring, which leads to fewer opportunities.
2. Misleading hiring practices
Sometimes you may see a job advert, but it may not necessarily mean the job is available to someone new. The company may promote from within, so on paper, there is a vacant job, but it’s not for you.
Another misleading hiring process is that some companies collect resumes for future positions; they are not hiring today.

3. An abundance of candidates
Fierce competition and an increase in job seekers have allowed companies to become picky.
4. Resume standards
Resume standards keep changing, and what worked a decade ago may no longer work. Also, today hiring professionals use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to vet candidates. So your qualifications may be top-notch, but the ATS software may remove you before your resume hits the manager’s desk.
5. Networking
LinkedIn estimates about 70 percent of jobs are never publicly advertised. These jobs are posted within the company or created specifically for someone hiring managers have met through networking.
6. Regional disparity
Some places may thrive in specific industries while others lag. Also, career changers or recent graduates may lack relevant experience or skills.
9 tips on how to land your dream job
Before you work on strategies to get your dream job, you should ask yourself: “What are you looking for in a job?” Of course, pay is essential, but dig deeper to find something that resonates with you; you’ll end up happier.
1. Don’t limit your searches online
Online platforms are a godsend for most job seekers. But don’t make them your only avenue of searching for jobs because you may end up searching for ages. When your application goes through, the company may be interviewing someone else or have filled the vacant position.
2. Networking
As mentioned, many positions are filled internally and never declared vacant. That’s why networking and getting that referral can land you your dream job faster. HR staff may be busy, and hiring someone with references within the company may be more accessible.
So ensure people know that you’re searching for a job. Also, try contacting companies that interest you directly. They may not be hiring today, but at least you’ll have a foot in the door.
3. Create a standout resume
You may have all the relevant skills, but the hiring manager may only know them with a well-crafted resume. First, it means crafting your resume to pass the ATS above. Use relevant keywords matching the job and ensure your resume is machine-readable.
Sometimes the software may fail to read your resume if it contains diagrams. Your resume should look good, but don’t over-embellish it. However, you can use tools such as Canva if it’s a creative role.
4. Focus on your achievements
Don’t send in a resume with a generic list of the job description as your previous accomplishments. The recruiter knows the basics of your job description, so ensure you mention what you did exceptionally in your last jobs. Your achievements may make you stand out from the rest.

5. Tweak your resume to match the job
You’ve probably heard this for the umpteenth time, but ensure your resume is up to date and tailored for the job you are applying for — even if the job looks similar to the one you applied for yesterday.
6. Know your target companies
Always research companies that you would like to work for. A helpful tip is to look at a company’s Glassdoor to understand its culture, figure out the likely questions in an interview, and maybe, know how much they pay for the position you want.
7. Create your online brand
Understandably, not everyone wants to be very visible and accessible online. But building your online brand is closely related to networking. It showcases your skills and expertise online, ensuring recruiters can find you and know what you offer.
LinkedIn is one of the best places to cultivate your online brand and improve your chances of being found by recruiters.
8. Clean your social media
Yes, it feels intrusive, but companies will also screen you through social media. According to The Harris Poll survey, 71 percent of recruiters believe social media is an excellent job screening tool. So clean up your social media posts and ensure they accurately represent who you are — or at least the person you want to project.
9. Understand that it takes time
Lastly, it’s essential to be patient and understand that it takes time to land that dream job. You may have applied to hundreds of jobs, but remember that every rejection builds your resilience and does not indicate that you are not employable.
So be kind to yourself, take a breather from time to time, and also take this time to upgrade your skills with the numerous courses available online to make it easier to land your dream job.
Landing a job requires you to show the company why it makes business sense to have you onboard. Finding your dream job may be difficult, but it mustn’t be an uphill experience. You can employ the mentioned approaches to make your goals more achievable.
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