Is fortune-telling accurate? This question has sparked different opinions for ages. Why do some fortune-tellers get their predictions right, while others miss the mark? What are the factors that determine the accuracy of fortune-telling? The following tale might just enlighten you.
Xue Er’s fortune
During the Qing Dynasty, there was a famous face reader in Hangzhou named Chen Qi. A rich merchant named Xue Er invited two friends to go with him so they could all have their fortunes read. Chen Qi said to Xue Er’s first friend: “You will be promoted in the fall!” To the second friend, he said: “You will be rich in a month’s time.” The fortune teller was shocked when he saw Xue Er and said: “Your face has the color of mortar. I am afraid you will die in 50 days, and you may not live to see the Mid-Autumn Festival.”
The fulfillment of the fortune-telling predictions
Xue Er’s friends indeed achieved what was predicted: one became an official after saving a governor from a bear, and the other inherited a fortune. Seeing these predictions come true, Xue Er decided that he could not escape his ill fortune. Rather than despair, he chose to spend his remaining time doing good deeds. He built bridges and roads, donated coffins, and provided medicines to those in need, thinking to himself: “Death will come sooner or later; why should I worry or be concerned?”

A change of fate
One beautiful day, while walking along the Qiantang River, Xue Er encountered a distraught man poised to throw himself into the river’s depths. Without hesitation, Xue Er approached the man, embracing him, and inquired about the reason for his despair.
The man introduced himself as Hu Rui from Yangzhou, and he explained his tragic situation: “I came to Hangzhou to purchase goods with the money entrusted to me by my brothers. But last night, a fierce hurricane sank the cargo ship. Although I managed to save myself, I lost everything else. Unable to face returning home in shame, I chose to end my life.”
Moved by Hu Rui’s story, Xue Er generously donated 2,500 taels of silver to help him rebuild his life. Hu Rui, overwhelmed by gratitude, asked for Xue Er’s name to remember his savior, but Xue Er humbly refused any recognition.
Sometime after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xue Er encountered Chen Qi again while strolling through the streets. The face reader’s eyes widened in surprise as he exclaimed: “Mr. Xue! The grey pallor that once shadowed your face has vanished! You must have performed a remarkable deed, ensuring yourself a long and prosperous life.”

It was then that Xue Er realized the profound truth behind the adage: “The face reflects the heart, and good deeds ensure longevity.” He smiled warmly at the face reader, recounting his story and expressing his gratitude for the guidance he had received.
Xue Er’s commitment to goodness defined the rest of his life, and he lived to the ripe age of 90, passing away peacefully without illness.
Xue Er’s story beautifully illustrates the intertwined relationship between fate and virtue. It sheds light on the understanding that fortune-telling may not only be about foretelling the future, but also guiding individuals to lead virtuous lives. Whether or not fortune-telling is deemed accurate, it carries wisdom that transcends mere predictions, inspiring people to live life with compassion and integrity.
Translated by Eva
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