Long absorbed in his own life of work, marriage, and fatherhood, he felt a growing distance from his mother. What once was daily companionship during his youth had dwindled due to his busy schedule. However, a serious illness brought him back home urgently. His mother’s condition was severe, her appearance frail and worn, her hair completely white.
Despite being physically present, his mind was still tangled with work, his phone continuously ringing. Yet, when his mother suggested he leave if he was too busy, he noticed a longing in her eyes that made him stay. His father had passed away early, and his mother, never remarrying, had raised him alone. Now, she needed him, and he couldn’t bear to leave her side in the hospital, even at the cost of significant financial loss.

A moment of realization
The responsibility of caring for his mother became tangible when he had to physically support her — lifting her into wheelchairs and onto examination tables. It was the first time he ever cradled her in his arms. Unlike the playful embraces given to his son or wife, this embrace was filled with a profound realization of her fragility. Shocked by how light she felt, he was struck by the painful contrast to the once strong embrace that sheltered him as a child. In a role reversal, his mother seemed anxious about being a burden, but reassured by his confident handling, she, and others around, noted how safe it felt to be in his arms.
Love beyond material support
After returning from the hospital, his mother smiled, confessing she had never been held like that in her life. This confession saddened him deeply, as he realized that while he provided materially for his aging mother, he had reserved his more tender affections for his son and wife. The initial embrace that was meant to support her physically had uncovered a more profound emotional neglect. From then on, he made it a point to regularly embrace his mother, facilitating not only her physical recovery but also rekindling their emotional connection.

A renewed bond
As her health improved, sparked by their renewed interaction and the simple yet powerful gestures of love, they began sharing more about their lives. He turned off his phone more often, immersing himself in the childhood stories that his mother fondly recounted. These moments brought them closer, and even as life’s pace picked up again, he made sure to visit her every weekend, always greeting her with a hug, knowing well now that what she needed most was his presence and love.
The best gift for his mother
During a festive family dinner, he offered his mother a generous gift, but she declined, expressing that his hugs were the most precious gift she could receive in her later years. His young grandson echoed this sentiment, eagerly declaring his intention to continue this tradition of affection. That dinner became a cherished memory, a testament to the understanding that sometimes love needs no words or grand gestures — sometimes, all it takes is a simple embrace to convey all that words cannot.
This story is a gentle reminder of the importance of physical and emotional closeness with our mothers. Be sure to embrace your mother, showing her the love and warmth she deserves. Through simple acts of affection, such as a heartfelt embrace, we communicate our love more profoundly than words ever could. Let us not underestimate the power of a hug to provide comfort, security, and a deep sense of belonging.
Translated by Audrey Wang
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