Zeng Guofan, a prominent statesman of the late Qing Dynasty, made a significant impact on politics, military affairs, …
personal growth
HistoryEditor's Pick
Discovering the Meaning of Life: Viktor Frankl’s Journey from Suffering to Significance
Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) was an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and Holocaust survivor. He was the founder of logotherapy, a …
Self ImprovementEditor's Pick
7 Ways to Break Bad Habits That Hold You Back in Life
by Emma Luby Emma LuYou tell yourself that you work hard every day, yet you still feel unhappy with where your life …
Zeng Guofan was a Chinese statesman, military general, and Confucian scholar of the late Qing Dynasty. He is …
Lacking close friends, trustworthy colleagues, or steadfast partners can create barriers between you and others, leading to relationships …
There’s a saying that true emotional intelligence is about making others feel comfortable in your presence. So how …
During ancient China’s Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Qi was a flourishing kingdom known for its …
Insights & StoriesEditor's Pick
How a Teacher’s Words Inspired a Student’s Success
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisOne day after class, a boy approached his teacher with a cautious question: “Teacher, could you give me …
Life is often described as a journey of self-improvement, where cultivating moral virtues becomes essential. Among these, kindness …
Throughout our lives, we may have encountered injustices and hardships that often lead to developing a negative self-centered …