In the late Ming Dynasty, the prosperous Wang family of Yangzhou saw their fortunes destroyed by war. Scattered by the turmoil, they sought refuge in different regions. When the Qing Dynasty brought stability, some family members returned to their hometown, but the family’s unity and wealth were lost.
The youngest son of the Wang family, now a young man, lived in poverty. With no resources to pursue academic honors or government service, he struggled to provide for his growing household. In 1678, his friend encouraged him to sit for the provincial exams, offering to cover the expenses. Initially reluctant, the young Wang eventually agreed and traveled to Jiangning with his friend.
A prophecy sparks curiosity
While in Jiangning, the friends visited a renowned fortune-teller. After examining the friend, the fortune-teller predicted that his success in the imperial exams was far off. Turning to Wang, the fortune-teller exclaimed: “You are destined to become as wealthy as Shi Chong, the legendary tycoon!”
Wang dismissed the prediction, questioning how a man struggling for daily sustenance could become wealthy. But the fortune-teller insisted, pinpointing August 3 as the day his fortunes would change. Intrigued, but skeptical, Wang returned to Yangzhou.
A mysterious visitor
On August 3, just as the fortune-teller predicted, Wang was visited by the household of a high-ranking military official passing through Yangzhou. A noblewoman aboard the official’s boat summoned him. Though bewildered, Wang cautiously boarded the vessel.
The woman greeted him warmly, addressing him as her “younger brother.” She explained that she had been separated from her family for decades and expressed deep concern for his struggles. Offering him 50 taels of silver to stabilize his household, she invited him to accompany her back to the provincial headquarters.
Wang hesitated. Though unsure of her identity, he recalled the fortune-teller’s prediction and decided to follow her.
The truth behind the wealth
At the headquarters, Wang was treated with respect, but given no duties. After three months, frustrated with the lack of progress in resolving his family’s financial woes, he decided to leave. Before his departure, the woman gave him 200 taels of silver.
That night, she secretly revealed the truth: She had once been a maidservant in his household. After escaping during the chaos of war, she rose to prominence as the concubine of the military governor and gave birth to his son. Remembering the kindness of Wang’s family, she devised a plan to repay their generosity.
The maidservant disclosed a family secret. Before the Wang family fled their ancestral home, a fortune of 300,000 taels of silver had been buried on the property. She revealed the exact location, urging Wang to retrieve it and restore his family’s legacy.
Kindness rewarded by destiny
Following her instructions, Wang unearthed the hidden silver and became a wealthy man. The maidservant’s extraordinary loyalty and gratitude brought the family’s fortune full circle. Despite her elevated status, she risked exposing her humble origins to honor those who had once shown her kindness.
This tale illustrates how acts of kindness can set the stage for profound outcomes. The maidservant’s unwavering gratitude ensured the Wang family regained their wealth. Yet, had Wang sold the ancestral home in his desperation, the treasure would have been lost. His destiny was shaped not only by the maidservant’s generosity, but also by his steadfast connection to his family’s roots.
As this story shows, virtuous acts are often rewarded in unexpected ways. Those who act with kindness and integrity may find that destiny conspires to bring them prosperity.
Translated by Eva, edited by Maria
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