According to Chinese zodiac signs, everyone born in a particular year shares the same characteristics of a particular Chinese zodiac sign. For example, everyone born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the snake has the characteristic of the snake — intelligent, calm, intuitive, introspective, and organized.
However, you might be wondering: “How can every person born in any particular year all have the same character and personality?” Well, that’s a fair question. Of course, there are similarities, but not everyone born under the same Chinese zodiac sign has exactly the same characteristics. The animal sign for your birth year, such as a snake, is not your only zodiac sign.
Each Chinese zodiac sign is also linked to a month in the Chinese calendar, which means it is also linked to a season. Animal signs are also assigned to you according to the month, day, and hour that you were born.
The characteristics of these additional signs influence your personality and destiny. They also help explain the differences and similarities between you and other people who were born under the same Chinese zodiac signs.
Do you know others who share the same zodiac sign as you? How similar are your characteristics?
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