Mikel Davis

Reaping What You Sow: How Your Actions Toward Others Shape Your Own Experiences

A renowned celebrity once said that the factors contributing to one’s success can be broadly divided into two categories. Professional knowledge comprises only 15 percent, while personal cultivation, how you treat others, world-handling abilities, and adaptability cover the remaining 85 percent. This statement struck a chord with me. An unforgettable lesson from a company visit ...

Mikel Davis

Closeup of a wheat stalk in the field with the sun shining in the background.

Learning From History: How the Ancient Chinese Responded to Plagues and Disasters

The recent pandemic is, without a doubt, one of the greatest catastrophes we have experienced in our lifetimes. Yet, in the long annals of Chinese history, numerous accounts exist of plagues and other calamities of similar scale. These instances from antiquity provide us with invaluable insights into how emperors and common folk alike managed to ...

Mikel Davis

Ancient Chinese observing a globe mechanism.

Su Dongpo: An Unyielding Spirit in the Face of Adversity

Su Dongpo (A.D. 1037-1101), was one of the eight great masters of the Tang and Song dynasties and occupied an indelible position in the history of literature in China. His articles were smooth and flowing. He bemoaned the state of the world and pitied the fate of mankind. He was not afraid of power, and ...

Mikel Davis

Statue of Chinese scholar and poet Su Dongpo with his wife.

The Best Time to Eat Ginger

Ginger is not just a well-loved spice, it’s also a powerful superfood. But what’s the best time to eat ginger? And should it be peeled before eating? This guide will show you how to enjoy ginger in a way that nourishes your body without causing harm. 5 fabulous health benefits of ginger Ginger is rich ...

Mikel Davis

Fresh and powdered ginger.

The End of Zunzi’s Cartoons: An Elegy for Press Freedom in Hong Kong

Zunzi, a renowned political cartoonist from Hong Kong, has been forced to cease publication in Ming Pao after a 40-year tenure, following six public criticisms from government officials. This event has sparked social concern, seen as a further crushing of the remnants of freedom in Hong Kong. Ngan Shun-kau, a commentator, believes that the Hong ...

Mikel Davis

Hong Kong cartoonist Zunzi with some of his cartoons.