Emma Lu

A Guide’s Inspirational Encounter With Tibetan Tourists

A tour guide in Beijing had the opportunity to escort a group of Tibetan tourists. Unfortunately, his impression of Tibetan people came mainly from films, television, or preconceived notions regarding their cleanliness, temperament, and education. When the guide first saw the Tibetan tourists, they looked like what he had expected; they were rather dark in ...

Emma Lu

Tibetan prayer flags.

Tiredness and Fatigue Are Different: How to Cope With the Latter

Not everyone has the same energy levels, but fatigue sometimes sets in. Sometimes, it can be hard to differentiate between regular tiredness and fatigue. However, it would be best to learn the difference between the two to ensure your health is not adversely impacted. Sleep health expert Shelby Harris says: “Fatigue and sleepiness are a ...

Emma Lu

A woman lying in bed with no energy.

You May Be Poor, but Maintain Your Character

Although you may be poor, you must maintain your character. Mr. Huang is an old friend of mine. I have known him for about 10 years. When I first met him, he worked as a barber for a monthly salary. He was paid rather meagerly, but despite this, every time I went to him for ...

Emma Lu

Five silver stars, with 4 standing and one fallen over.

10 Reasons Why Travelers From China Love Taiwan

Lin Wei, Director of the Taiwan Strait Tourism and Travel Association in Beijing, penned ten reasons travelers from China love Taiwan. It was published to encourage people from China to vacation in Taiwan and has become the most read online article in China’s travel and tourism category. 10 things Chinese love about Taiwan 1. Endless mountain ...

Emma Lu

Three red Chinese lanterns in the night.

The Feng Shui of Direction and Color

Feng shui — which literally translates to “wind and water” — is the ancient Chinese art of placement. The goal is to enhance the flow of chi (life force or spiritual energy), and to create harmonious environments that support health, beckon wealth, and invite happiness. At its most basic level, feng shui is a decorating discipline based ...

Emma Lu

Two young women working on an interior design project.

Ancient Wisdom for Healthy Sleep (Part 2)

Traditional Chinese medicine is a complete medical system that has been passed down to us. It offers information about healthy sleep. Sleep is a result of the natural rhythm of energy circulation. At 11:00 p.m., the yin energy (qi) is at its strongest. This is the ideal time for the body to return to rest, ...

Emma Lu

Alarm clock in the foreground with a young man sleeping in the background.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

I once again carefully read Romance of the Three Kingdoms during my summer vacation. I was captivated by the vivid characters in the book. I also gained a renewed understanding of life. Specifically, everything that happens on Earth is designed by divine power. Just like Sima Yi, the well-known general and politician, said during the Three Kingdoms period: ...

Emma Lu

Guan Yu riding his horse.

Ancient Wisdom for Healthy Sleep (Part 1)

You spend almost one-third of your life sleeping. Good-quality healthy sleep plays a very important role in a healthy life. What happens during sleep? Your body relaxes, restores, and rebuilds itself during sleep. After having a good night’s sleep, you wake up feeling refreshed. This is because many things take place during sleep that restore ...

Emma Lu

Toddler sleeping outdoors in a hammock.

How to Properly Use Your Smartphone to Save Your Eyesight

A recent survey shows that over 80 percent of participants use their smartphones before sleep, and even when they are tired, more than 80 percent persist in scrolling through their smartphone screens.  Lying down while playing on the phone may not be too tiring to your body, but it is to your eyes. Your body ...

Emma Lu

A blonde woman looks at the camera while pointing to letters on an eyechart.

Herbs to Harvest for the Cold and Flu Season

People susceptible to cold and flu dread the onset of the winter. While keeping OTC medications for preventing and combating cold and cough is easy, these may not be enough. After a period, your body may develop resistance against such medicines, rendering them less effective. It is better to use homegrown herbs and plants to ...

Emma Lu

Dry chamomile with a tea strainer for the preparation of chamomile tea.