Emma Lu

The Love Story of Zhang Hongchi and Wang Xiuzhu Embraced 3 Generations (Part 2)

In 1961, Wang Xiuzhu confided in her sister that she lacked education and feared being looked down upon by her husband in the future. She began self-studying and sought employment in Beijing. After several attempts, the local office arranged for her to work at a sewing factory. She resolutely brought her parents-in-law to Beijing to ...

Emma Lu

A sewing machine.

The Love Story of Zhang Hongchi and Wang Xiuzhu Embraced 3 Generations (Part 1)

On November 5, 2009, around 3 p.m., Zhang Hongchi, an 84-year-old economist, suffered a sudden heart attack. While being rushed to the hospital, he briefly regained consciousness. He grasped his son Zhang Cheng’s hand and laboriously instructed: “If I don’t make it, you and your brother must take good care of Aunt Wang.” Aunt Wang ...

Emma Lu

A man having a heart attack.

 Haichunxuan Pagoda: Ancient China’s Architectural Technology

Originally known as the “Filial Piety Pagoda,” the Haichunxuan Pagoda’s story is deeply intertwined with the life of Yuchi Jingde, a founding minister of the Tang Dynasty who received the title of “Duke of E” for his loyal and brave service to the country. During his youth, Yuchi Jingde and his mother sought refuge in ...

Emma Lu

Small Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.

Heavens Universal Law is Straightforward

Heaven’s universal law is straightforward, and the following two stories, which occurred in the years of Jiachen and Yiyi and during the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, teach this lesson. Ji Xiaolan once owned an estate south of Cangzhou called Shangheyai — later, he sold it. Ji’s estate had five Water-Clearing Pavilions from which one could ...

Emma Lu

Aerial view of a few spotted clouds and the shining sun on the horizon.

Beyond Coincidence: Exploring Synchronicity in Dreams and Reality

Carl Jung, a Swiss-born psychiatrist, carved a niche for himself in dream interpretation, distinguishing his work with a profound understanding of the subconscious mind. In Jung’s perspective, dreams were not mere nighttime narratives, but windows into the deeper layers of the psyche, deserving of serious scholarly attention. His dedication to this field is underscored by ...

Emma Lu

Sunset dreamscape with birds flying over a wooden floor toward the horizon.

Lowering Cholesterol Naturally: Top 5 Foods That Improve Your Lipid Profile

In today’s fast-paced world, poor dietary habits, stress, and lack of sleep can easily lead to various health issues. Conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes are becoming increasingly common. Specifically, high cholesterol can lead to symptoms like cold hands and feet, numbness, and muscle cramps. Incorporating certain foods into your diet can significantly ...

Emma Lu

Garlic on a wooden table.

Foster the Habit of Self-Discipline: The Guiding Principle to Success!

Short-sighted individuals value the “small” freedoms, those trivial, fragmented desires. In contrast, visionaries pursue “big” freedoms, the expansive liberties that bring true fulfillment. It is the self-disciplined who are poised to lead a beautiful life. When one lacks self-discipline, their actions are often swayed by habits and external temptations, making it challenging to pursue their ...

Emma Lu

Asian female standing outdoors with arms thrown wide, as if embracing life.

The Virtue of Repaying Kindness: Confucius Sells His Horse to Repay a Favor

The virtue of repaying kindness has been passed down through the ages. Generations upon generations have been educated about the value of this timeless principle. Untold stories have been told of people who engaged in repaying the kindness extended to them. Such is the story of Confucius and his disciples’ acts of kindness being rewarded ...

Emma Lu

Brown horse with the golden sun at sunset as the background.

6 Surprising Foods That Damage Your Teeth

The warning that excessive sugar consumption damages your teeth and leads to cavities is deeply ingrained in us from childhood. However, the culprits behind tooth decay are not limited to sugar; acids play a significant role, too. When you indulge in sweets, the natural bacteria in your mouth break down the sugar, producing acids that ...

Emma Lu

Woman holding a magnifying glass to her mouth while she smiles, showing her healthy teeth.

The Healing Properties of 35 Fruits According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Different fruits are on the market all year round, and fruits are effective against several diseases. Check to see the benefits of these 35 fruits according to traditional Chinese medicine. 35 fruits that heal your body 1. Apples Lower blood lipids, treat diarrhea, moisturize the skin. 2. Pears Clear heat and toxins, reduce cough and ...

Emma Lu

Sliced dragon fruit.