Emma Lu

4 Ways You Can Deal With Uncertainty

Not everything in your life goes as planned. Many times, you will be faced with unexpected situations and uncertainty that you haven’t planned for. A decision made in such circumstances can have a huge impact on your life. The pressure to make the right choice can be so overwhelming that you might not be able ...

Emma Lu

Arrows pointing in different directions.

Chinese Fables With Moral Teachings

China is replete with numerous Chinese fables that propagate strong ethics and moral teachings. These stories have been passed down from one generation to another with the aim of teaching people some of the truths of life, as well as showing them the proper moral standards to live by. 2 Chinese fables that contain some ...

Emma Lu

6 Factors That Can End Your Marriage

Falling in love and getting married is easy. What is tough in marriage is to remain married. Simple misunderstandings and certain unwanted behaviors can easily put an end to marriage within a short time no matter how loving the couple was previously. 6 things that can end your marriage 1. Deception in marriage Relationships are ...

Emma Lu

Couple on a bicycle.

A Japanese Museum That Exhibits Face-Like Rocks

Ever seen a rock that resembles a human face? If not, you should check out the Chichibu Chinsekikan, or “Hall of Curious Rocks” museum next time you visit Japan. The place is filled with numerous face-like rocks that seem to resemble famous personalities or express human emotions. Face-like rocks The museum was founded by Shozo ...

Emma Lu

Museum with face-like rocks.

The 10 Admonishments of Imperial Official Lin Zexu (Part 1)

Lin Zexu (林則徐, 1785-1850) was an honest official in the late Qing Dynasty known for his strict crackdown against the opium trade. In 1839, he made a tour of Macao and, seeing the ills plaguing society, penned 10 maxims based on his 54 years of experience to warn against the futility of performing superficial good ...

Emma Lu

A statue of Lin Zexu.

Foot Binding and Health Consequences

Foot binding was an ancient Chinese custom where women used to wrap their feet with the aim of modifying the shape of their feet. The tradition started off in the 10th century and existed well into the early 20th century. Women who had their feet bound ended up suffering numerous health complications, which many of them willingly ...

Emma Lu

Foot binding pphotos.

Discovered in China: Ancient City Dating Back 5,300 Years

A 5,300-year-old ancient city was recently discovered at the Shuanghuaishu site in China. The ruins on the site cover an area in excess of 10 million square feet. Archaeologists believe that the site is one of the biggest tribal clusters of Yangshao culture from the middle and late stages. Yangshao culture refers to the culture ...

Emma Lu

The Shuanghuaishu site.

Foods That Nourish You in Autumn

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 7 marks the end of summer and the start of autumn this year. That means you should eat in accordance with the seasons to nourish your yin energy and replenish moisture. Dryness easily harms the lungs in autumn Lai Ruixin, Director of Han Ming Tang Clinic of Traditional ...

Emma Lu


6 Famous Teas From China

China has many famous teas. It is the biggest producer of tea in the world, accounting for almost 30 percent of global production. Tea has been a popular drink in China for centuries. One of the earliest records of using teas in China is a medical text from the 3rd century A.D. It became a ...

Emma Lu

A cup of tea on a saucer.

Chinese Idiom Explained: ‘Humbled by the Vast Ocean’

There is a Chinese idiom about how one gets “humbled by the vast ocean.” This quote is mostly used in the context of teaching a person to remain humble despite having power since there will always be someone else more powerful than them. The idiom The Yellow River was considered special in ancient China. After ...

Emma Lu

Sunrays shing through clouds over the ocean.