Michael Segarty

Leaked ‘Wuhan Files’ Purport to Show How and Why China Deliberately Misled the World

The United States and other Western governments have been accusing China of deliberately concealing critical information regarding the coronavirus since the beginning of the outbreak. The Chinese government has rejected these claims, but a report titled The Wuhan Files, published by CNN, has seemingly exposed that the authorities downplayed confirmed cases and failed to disclose ...

Michael Segarty

Coronaviruses in red.

Life Hacks: 12 Banana Peel Uses

If you are like most people, you normally throw away the banana peel when you are finished eating the banana. Well, think again before your peel ends up in the garbage, as it is useful in many different ways! Household uses 1. Oil and stain remover Rub the peel on stained kitchen utensils. The dirt ...

Michael Segarty

A banana peel.

Accumulation of Virtue by Ancestors and the Prosperity of Future Generations

Do we actually inherit rewards for the goodness accumulated by our ancestors? Some religions believe that we do. Is there a tangible connection between the virtuous lives of our ancestors, their sacrifices, and the prosperity bestowed on later generations? Chinese society is very patriarchal, and they will consider the future of their male offspring in ...

Michael Segarty

Precious stones.

The Darkness Before Dawn: Are the Prophecies of Disaster Imminent? 

According to the many legends and prophecies of disaster inflicting nations, peoples, and religions all over the world, human beings will face evil forces, darkness, tribulations, severe challenges, and experience devastating disasters at a certain period of time in the future. At that critical time, also known as The Last Days, and just as humanity ...

Michael Segarty

Desolation in the desert.

How One Man Uses Origami to Change People’s Hearts

Whatever you want or can imagine, Liu Tong can use his hands to create it just with a piece of paper. From a rhino down to a minuscule ant, he has created all of them by folding a single piece of paper. Liu Tong uses origami to describe his inner feelings, and his work is highly ...

Michael Segarty

Origami animals from Africa in origami desert setting with origami trees

Celestial Protection During a Deadly Plague

Since ancient times, when traditional values and morals have extensively degenerated and collapsed, a deadly plague would invariably strike out across the land. As a result, whenever this happens in any part of the world, many people become ill and perish. It is therefore not surprising that humans are frightened of deadly plagues. What is ...

Michael Segarty

A messenger from Heaven.

How One Sincere Heart of Kindness Averted Complete Disaster!

There is a village in northern India called Geyima Village that was saved from disaster by one heart of kindness. The land there is harsh and barren. The people live in poverty and the struggle to harvest enough food is an ongoing challenge. The villagers struggled very hard, yet find it difficult to make ends ...

Michael Segarty

A village in India.

Whether You Encounter Misfortunes or Blessings Are God’s Grace

Those situations in life that you may at first think are misfortunes, when you take a moment and look a little deeper, you will see that God’s grace encompasses all things, all events, and all situations. Look a little closer and you will find the pearls and blessings in disguise. Following an accidental shipwreck, Jimmy ...

Michael Segarty

A shipwreck.