Nathan Machoka

How Safe Is Your Food: The Most Prevalent Bacteria in the Food Industry

Humans require safe, healthy, nutritious food to lead a quality life. However, if the food is not handled correctly, it can be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, harmful chemicals, and parasites. These can cause mild to chronic illnesses affecting mainly children and seniors.  So be vigilant to ensure that food is handled safely from production to ...

Nathan Machoka

Artist's drawing of E. coli bacteria.

6 Famous People Who Show the Power of Determination

The road to success is marked by setbacks that test your resilience, grit, and determination. For these successful people, failure became a crucible that eventually forged their paths to success. The stories of these famous people who overcame adversity show the power of unwavering spirit, self-belief, perseverance, and determination. Inspiring stories of overcoming setbacks through ...

Nathan Machoka

Sylvester Stallone.

DIY Deodorant: How to Make Your Own Aluminum-Free Version

Creating a DIY deodorant at home can be an enjoyable, environmentally friendly, and health-conscious DIY project. It’s not just a cost-effective alternative, but it also offers control over the ingredients, allowing you to avoid harmful chemicals found in many commercial deodorants. Here’s an insightful guide to making your own DIY deodorant. Natural deodorant vs. antiperspirant: ...

Nathan Machoka

Ingredients for a DIY deodorant.

10 Practical Ways to Get Rid of Body Odor Naturally

Body odor is a natural occurrence that results from an interaction between sweat and bacteria on your skin. However, unpleasant and persistent body odor (BO) can be the biggest source of self-consciousness, which may impact your self-esteem and social interactions. Luckily, several strategies can help you reduce body odor. But before we delve into these ...

Nathan Machoka

A man with body odor.

How Michelangelo’s Forgery Propelled His Career to New Heights

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, famously known as Michelangelo, is a towering figure in art history. He profoundly impacted the Renaissance as a sculptor, painter, architect, and poet.  But he wasn’t always famous. One story tells us how Michelangelo made a Roman antiquity forgery so good that it propelled him to fame. A young struggling ...

Nathan Machoka

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

Strength of a Woman: Powerful Ways to Reconnect With Your Divine Feminine Energy

In the modern world, it’s easy to lose yourself in the fast-paced way of doing things. Everything revolves around hustling, achievements, and ceaseless grinding toward the next thing. Unfortunately, most women get caught up in their “masculine energy” and lose the connection to their “feminine energy.” In the traditional Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang, ...

Nathan Machoka

Islamic women laughing.

10 of the Most Expensive Musical Instruments of All Time

Music and musical instruments have woven themselves into the fabric of our existence. One writer says: “Music is the emotion one can hear.”  Some instruments have transcended their musical purpose to become priceless pieces. From the resonant keys of the Steinways to the harmonious tones of the Stradivarius violas, these instruments have immortalized great moments, ...

Nathan Machoka

The Lady Blunt Stradivarius violin.