Nathan Machoka

Plato’s Influence on Architecture: How Do Architects Think?

Architecture is a discipline where art meets mathematics (engineering). Architects essentially blend these two sides, making architecture interesting for many people.  But is there a one-size-fits-all design philosophy for architects? Why is one building more beautiful than another? Can architects create a building that will be universally beautiful, and what would be the characteristics of ...

Nathan Machoka

The Greek philosopher Plato.

Stir-Fried Pebbles: Chinese Vendors Are Making a Dish Made of Stones

Chinese street food vendors have amused the world by creating a unique cuisine; stir-fried pebbles, also known as soudui (suck and throw). It has been dubbed “the world’s hardest food.” The delicacy is prepared by stir-frying small river pebbles with chili, oil, garlic, rosemary, and purple perilla.  The meal costs around US$2, and those who ...

Nathan Machoka

Stir-fried pebbles.

Disagreeing Gracefully: How to Foster Understanding in a Polarized World

Most of us have found ourselves embroiled in a heated disagreement, feeling so hurt or frustrated that we vow never to speak to the other party again. But in retrospect, where exactly did things go awry? Could the conversation have taken a radically different turn if we had approached it with more understanding and grace? ...

Nathan Machoka

Man and woman in a heated argument.

Reviving the Simple Long-Lost Art of Roasting Eggs

Roasting eggs is probably the most ancient way of cooking eggs. About 1 million years ago, when early man discovered fire, people still collected eggs from different birds before they were domesticated. With no cooking pots, the art of roasting eggs in ashes is the only near possible thing to imagine for a man who ...

Nathan Machoka

A basket of eggs.

An Emotional Reunion as a Man Meets His Rescuer 50 Years Later

In the summer of 1973, a 17-year-old teen was saved from the jaws of death. Loren Oelkers was swimming in the murky waters of Montana’s Canyon’s Ferry Lake on the 4th of July when things went wrong. Two strangers rescued him and saved his life that day, but unfortunately, Loren never thanked them for this ...

Nathan Machoka

Loren Oelkers (left) and Rick Goff.

Caring for Your Plants While You’re Away: A Guide to Vacation Plant Care

Embarking on vacation often brings about feelings of excitement, but if you’re a plant lover, a niggling concern about your leafy friends’ well-being might also emerge. Rest assured, ensuring the health of your plants during your time away isn’t as challenging as it might seem. Here’s a meticulously crafted guide to ensure they flourish even ...

Nathan Machoka

Houseplants on a windowsill.

South Korea’s Hawaii: 11 Most Popular Things to Do at Jeju Island

Located south of mainland Korea, Jeju Island is the most popular destination among Korean and foreign visitors. The island is just an hour’s flight from Seoul — with hundreds of flights from Seoul to Jeju every day.  In 2011, Jeju Island was named among the New 7 Wonders of Nature because of its dramatic volcanic ...

Nathan Machoka

Jeju Island, South Korea.