Raven Montmorency

Study Finds Women Can Increase Mental Health by Quitting Alcohol

The negative effects of drinking alcohol are pretty well known. However, it seems as if women run a higher health risk from alcohol consumption. According to a new study, they experience significantly greater improvement in their mental health than men after quitting alcohol. Mental risks Researchers used data from the FAMILY cohort study that analyzes ...

Raven Montmorency

Two women drinking at a bar.

Health and Work: Retire Early to Live Longer

Plan on living an exciting life after retirement? If so, you need to stop working and retire early, according to a study that looked at the relationship between mortality and retirement. Longer life for early retirees The study is based on research carried out on Dutch civil servants. Male employees who were over 54 years ...

Raven Montmorency

A retired couple dancing.

The No. 1 Threat for U.S. Military: Communist China

General Mark Milley, the U.S. Army Chief of Staff, pointed to communist China’s threat as America’s primary military challenge for the century. He was speaking at the Senate Armed Service Committee and is said to be next-in-line as the president’s principal military advisor. Chinese military threat “China went to school on us… They watched us ...

Raven Montmorency

Chinese military People's Liberation Army soldiers march in a parade in Beijing.

Huawei Exposé: Employees and Shady Funding Links to the CCP

A few months back, when President Trump announced that he would be banning Huawei from conducting business in the U.S. due to security concerns, the company’s PR went on a propaganda stunt and tried to paint Trump as being afraid of Chinese tech competition. Now, a study that looked at the employees working for Huawei ...

Raven Montmorency

A Huawei center.

Musical Fumble and the Amazing Recovery During Tchaikovsky Finals

At the finals of the 16th International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow, a pianist from China was faced with a difficult situation when he ended up playing a concerto different from what the orchestra was playing. To the surprise of the audience, the pianist quickly recovered. The confusion Twenty-year-old An Tienxiu was supposed to play Tchaikovsky’s Piano ...

Raven Montmorency

The Tchaikovsky competition in Moscow.

Temples, Churches, and Other Architecture Inspired by the Divine

In all cultures, the most beautiful architecture tends to be religious structures, whether temples, mosques, or churches. It seems as if people are unconsciously driven to dedicate the best of their artistic efforts to the divine. Top 5 most stunning religious architecture from around the world 1. Wat Rong Khun: Thailand Popularly known as the ...

Raven Montmorency

Thailand's White Temple.

Disclosed: Huawei’s Relationship With the Chinese Government

Recently, Yan Hua, the ex-wife of Liu Haosheng, Huawei’s representative in Australia and the former Indonesian CEO, told The Epoch Times that Huawei is taking steps to manipulate foreign governments on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and described how this is taking place. By using cooperation with foreign communications and telecommunications companies, Huawei ...

Raven Montmorency

The Huawei logo.

Wasps, Chiggers, and Other Summer Insects to Watch Out for

In summer, dealing with the insects buzzing around living spaces and biting you every now and then can get irritating. While some insect bites can be painful, other summer insects can cause health issues. Watch out for these summer insects Wasps and bees These insects are usually drawn in by sweet foods and bright clothing. ...

Raven Montmorency

A summer landscape.

Health: Child Brain Development Might Be Influenced by Gut Bacteria

The bacteria in the human gut might play a key role in child brain development, a new study has found. Research also suggests that gut bacteria may also contribute to symptoms of autism. Brain effects The brain development study was conducted by Sophie Rowland from Wellesley College in Massachusetts and her team. They looked at ...

Raven Montmorency

Curious child looking out a window.

The Prickly Story of Millennials and Their Fascination With Cacti

It’s mean, it’s dry, and it’s full of thorns. Say hello to the new obsession of Millennials — cacti. These desert plants are rocking in their pots to make millennial homes feel nicer. Or, edgy. Dry and prickly enough to stay evergreen (cacti) Back in the ’70s, cacti were a prized gift you would receive ...

Raven Montmorency

An array of cactus plants.