Featured, Health

Herbs to Harvest for the Cold and Flu Season

People susceptible to cold and flu dread the onset of the winter. While keeping OTC medications for preventing and combating cold and cough is easy, these may not be enough. After a period, your body may develop resistance against such medicines, rendering them less effective. It is better to use homegrown herbs and plants to ...

Emma Lu

Dry chamomile with a tea strainer for the preparation of chamomile tea.

Pioneering Mountain Climber Made Films to Show Why She Loved Skiing

Mountain climbing and skiing are adventure sports and these are certainly not meant for the faint of heart. The general perception about such sports is that they are mostly meant for men. However, this is an age-old stereotype. There are a handful of brave and talented women who have defied the odds and proved their ...

Armin Auctor

Mt. Columbia, the first ascent for ladies, 1938.

Late Son’s Composition Finished After Mother Reaches Out to the Internet

In a recent development, an Australian mother tried to fulfill the last desire of her deceased son. Amanda Brierley of Queensland, Australia, found out something after the demise of her beloved son Kyan. She found out her son was keen on completing a musical composition, so she reached out to the Internet to finish her ...

Emma Lu

Kyan Pennell playing the piano and her mother holding up her son's completed composition.

A Glimpse Into the Beauty Secrets of Ancient Egypt

Egypt has always remained a land of mystery and exoticism. Mention ancient Egypt and the images of gigantic pyramids and vast dunes conjure up your mind. The other thing you might think about is the unique beauty of its women and, in particular, Cleopatra. While the queen of Egypt (51-30 BCE), Cleopatra actively influenced Roman politics ...

Jack Roberts


How to Overcome Decision Fatigue

Let’s face it, making decisions is exhausting. Whether you’re choosing what to eat for lunch or which candidate to vote for in the upcoming election, each decision takes a toll on your mental energy. And when you’re faced with an endless stream of choices, it’s easy to fall into decision fatigue. But there is hope! ...

Raven Montmorency

Decision fatigue from making too many decisions.

10 Tips to Help You Move on From Your Ex

They say that time heals all wounds, but when you’re going through a break-up, it feels like time is standing still. If you’re finding it hard to move on from your ex, don’t despair — there are some things you can do to speed up the process. 10 ways to move on from a failed ...

Armin Auctor

Childish drawing of a frowning man and woman with broken hearts over their heads.

How an Old Abandoned Water Tank Became an International Acoustic Masterpiece

There are traditional musical instruments like the cello, piano, and violin, and there are several modern musical instruments. In ancient times, using natural objects to create music was quite commonplace. However, an old and deserted water tank has been converted into an acoustic masterpiece in an unusual development. This feat was achieved by Charles Stuart, ...

Raven Montmorency

An old water tank in a field.

Visiting the Tulip Fields in Holland: Everything You Need to Know

The Netherlands is a beautiful country and it is famous for certain things like the windmills donning its landscapes and picturesque canals. However, tourists exploring the European country get mesmerized by its vast and enthralling tulip fields. As you may have seen in several movies and YouTube videos, the beautiful and colorful tulip fields in ...

Jack Roberts

Dutch boy and girl in traditional clothes bending over to touch noses together while standing in a tulip field with a windmill in the background.

If Items Suddenly Go Missing, the Key Lies in ‘Balcony’ Feng Shui

Losing things when going out is a super annoying and even fretful experience. The book Jian Shaonian’s Modern Life Fortune Telling (published by The Times), written by Jian Shaonian, professional numerology and feng shui expert, recounts that many readers and friends are deeply annoyed by the experience of losing things, whether it is losing their mobile phones, ...

Michael Segarty

The front balcony of a house.

A Greek-Australian Beekeeper Who’s Been Making Honey for 82 Years

A good beekeeper must possess good management skills and stewardship, which take both time and knowledge. General maintenance requires periodic inspections during the warm months to ensure the queen is laying eggs, the workers are building up honey stores, and the colony has enough space to expand. The colony clusters and eats through their honey ...

Raven Montmorency

A honeybee on a white flower.