Featured, Feel Good

Turkish Garbage Collectors Open a Library of Books Rescued From the Trash

Books have been a timeless preserver of literature, history, science, philosophy, and culture. They have become increasingly accessible over the years on a diverse range of topics. However, as books became more abundant, so has the volume destined for landfills instead of a library. But a group of Turkish garbage collectors would rather urge people ...

Armin Auctor

A Turkish garbage truck.

A Common Sleeping Habit Causing Major Harm to the Entire Body

People should be aware of a very common and potentially very detrimental sleeping habit that leads to harmful side effects on the entire body — from head to toe. This common habit with major adverse consequences refers to sleeping on your stomach. For young children who sleep on their stomachs, this may lead to various bodily disorders and deformities, ...

Emma Lu

A man sleeping on his stomach.

Chloé Zhao: First Woman of Asian Descent to Win Best Director at Golden Globes

Chloé Zhao became the first female winner of Asian descent to win the Best Director category at the 2021 Golden Globes Awards for her film Nomadland, which also carried top honors by winning the Best Motion Picture-Drama category. Zhao joins Barbra Streisand, who won in 1984 for Yentl, as only the second woman to win directing honors ...

David Clapp

Director Chloé Zhao with actress Frances McDormand on location during the filming of ‘Nomadland’.

The Missing Tile Syndrome and the Art of Happiness

The tendency of humans to focus on slight imperfections is called the “Missing Tile Syndrome,” which is a term coined by Dennis Prager in his thought-provoking book Happiness is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual. Of all the barriers blocking us from leading happy lives, our own human nature stands the tallest. Even though ...

Sofia Roma

Hand-painted tiles.

A Trending Craft: Irish Quilt Patterns

One of the main reasons behind making the world connect virtually was to ensure that cultures can cross borders and mingle without having to leave the comfort of their homes or sacrifice jobs or hobbies. You can always invest time in both your profession and your passion by putting your energy into something like Irish quilt ...

Raven Montmorency

A circular quilt pattern.

The Power of Kindness: Kong Yong Quells a Rebellion Without a Fight

Traditional Chinese culture has always followed the values of kindness when dealing with people and situations, emphasizing the beauty of kindness in the heart. Not only is this trait admired, but the light it exudes can also lead the wicked back to their senses. If evil meets evil, disaster follows. Only kindness can truly convert and change a person.  ...

Helen London

Two bronze statues of officials of the Ming Dynasty, posed as if saluting each other in greeting.

Food Waste: We Must Learn That Brown Fruit Isn’t Bad Fruit

We tend to avoid choosing apples with brown spots, assuming that they taste bad. But if we are to end food waste, we’ll need to upend that assumption. A UCPH researcher emphasizes that there’s nothing wrong with oddly shaped or bruised apples. Which bananas end up in your shopping basket — the uniformly yellow ones ...

Troy Oakes

A speckled ripe banana.

Turbocharging the Killing Power of Immune Cells Against Cancer

Creating “super soldiers” of specific immune cells to boost an anti-tumor response against cancer has been shown in a series of elegant experiments by researchers at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Research led by Ph.D. candidate Helen Loo Yau, Post-doctoral Fellow Dr. Emma Bell, and Senior Scientist Dr. Daniel D. De Carvalho describes a DNA modifying ...

Troy Oakes

Red blood cells floating through a vein.

Regenerative Agriculture: The Right Way Forward for Humanity

Like most industries, agriculture has reached a fork in the road. Farmers and supply chains are left with the option to continue marching forward into oblivion with the high input doctrine of agriculture, or instead move toward a not-so-new method of farming called regenerative agriculture. This agricultural system is a methodology and styles of agriculture ...

Adam Fletcher

Grass on farm with bright sun setting.

The Myth of Sisyphus Decoded

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was the son of King Aeolus of Thessaly and Enarete. He was the founder and the first king of Ephyra (the glorious city of Corinth). The various and multiple accounts of this story, called the Myth of Sisyphus, portray him as being a cunning and selfish ruler who mocked and killed travelers and guests, mistreated women, ...

Sofia Roma

A statue of Sisyphus at the Acropolis in Greece.