Arts, Featured

Plato’s Influence on Architecture: How Do Architects Think?

Architecture is a discipline where art meets mathematics (engineering). Architects essentially blend these two sides, making architecture interesting for many people.  But is there a one-size-fits-all design philosophy for architects? Why is one building more beautiful than another? Can architects create a building that will be universally beautiful, and what would be the characteristics of ...

Nathan Machoka

The Greek philosopher Plato.

Top 10 Stage Musicals: A Symphony of Theatrical Brilliance

You walk into the grand theater for a musical, and the red velvet seats stretch before you under the glow of the massive chandelier. A buzz of excitement fills the air as people chat and flip through their playbills. The lights dim, the orchestra rises, and a familiar overture begins to play.  From the streets ...

Viena Abdon

A scene from 'The Sound of Music.'

Ahsoka Tano: From Star Wars to Real-World Inspiration

In the expansive universe of the Star Wars franchise, few characters have had as profound an impact as Ahsoka Tano. From her introduction to the animated series to her transition into live-action, Ahsoka has become an icon for fans of the Star Wars saga and its spin-off series. But many may not realize that Ahsoka’s ...

Viena Abdon

Ahsoka Tano from 'Star Wars.'

How Michelangelo’s Forgery Propelled His Career to New Heights

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, famously known as Michelangelo, is a towering figure in art history. He profoundly impacted the Renaissance as a sculptor, painter, architect, and poet.  But he wasn’t always famous. One story tells us how Michelangelo made a Roman antiquity forgery so good that it propelled him to fame. A young struggling ...

Nathan Machoka

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

10 of the Most Expensive Musical Instruments of All Time

Music and musical instruments have woven themselves into the fabric of our existence. One writer says: “Music is the emotion one can hear.”  Some instruments have transcended their musical purpose to become priceless pieces. From the resonant keys of the Steinways to the harmonious tones of the Stradivarius violas, these instruments have immortalized great moments, ...

Nathan Machoka

The Lady Blunt Stradivarius violin.

The Dragon of Calais: A Mythical Artwork

Have you ever experienced an artwork so captivating that it felt like it had a life of its own? Step into the enchanting world of the Dragon of Calais — a masterpiece that delights tourists from all corners of the globe and wins the hearts of locals alike. This extraordinary puppet is named after the picturesque ...

Haidene Go

The Dragon of Calais.

The Colorful Revival: Artist Transforms English Houses into Living Art

Art has long been recognized as a catalyst for change, capable of fostering social progress and sparking dialogue. Through their creative endeavors, artists can transform neglected areas into inspiring landscapes that breathe life into communities.  Artistic expression has blurred the boundaries between traditional canvasses and unconventional surfaces. One artist has taken this concept to new ...

Viena Abdon

An English street with colorful houses.

Mouse Statue in Russia Knitting DNA Honors the Humble Laboratory Mouse

Unveiled a decade ago, a curious mouse monument stands in Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia. The Monument to the Laboratory Mouse is located in a park at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics — a research institution associated with Novosibirsk State University. The laboratory mouse statue is a scholarly-looking elderly mouse with pince-nez glasses balanced on the ...

Nathan Machoka

The laboratory mouse statue.

Music as a Lifesaver: A Tale From the Far East

Can music save lives? The answer is a resounding “Yes.” I’ve had the pleasure of meeting several people from the northeastern region of Taiwan living in Chicago. Among them is a dear friend, Mr. Wang Chang-Suo, who has shared countless stories of his native land — personal experiences that are the backbone of this narrative. ...

Max Lu

Several items displayed from a World War 2 soldier.