Mind & Spirit, Featured

There Are People Who Have Money and People Who Are Rich Without Money

Taiwan artist Xiao Ma participated in the Chinese TV show Super Speaker and talked about his rough road in life on the topic “To give is to get.” After becoming an artist, money came very easily to Xiao Ma. He lived a playful and luxurious life, as many people in that situation do. Before long, he had lost ...

Emma Lu

Taiwanese money.

COVID-19: Vaccines, Boosters, and the Oral Pill

COVID-19 — to be or not to be vaccinated is the question? Finding the right and informed information to answer this question has created a great deal of angst and much confusion among the general public.  We have collated all the information from medical experts around the world about the different brands of vaccines presently ...

Armin Auctor

Doctor holding a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine up.

Working Mothers and Alarming Mental Health

A new social study undertaken at La Trobe University in Australia, published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, has found a strong and reciprocal link between working mothers‘ management of their work-to-family conflict and their mental health. Juggling paid work and family is commonplace for women in Western countries these days, but it’s really tough! Not only do these ...

Emma Lu

A mother holding her young daughter's hand and walking down a cobblestone street in a city.

How to Make Decisions That Are Right for You

When you make decisions in your life, you go through a mental dance of toing and froing, trying to weigh up which direction is best for you. But in this process, how can you know which thoughts to listen to? Many people rely on their intuition. Intuition is sometimes called your ‘gut instinct,’ or heart. ...

Emma Lu

Double exposure portrait of a woman meditating outdoors with eyes closed, combined with a photograph of sunrise or sunset.

6 Ways to Have Younger-Looking Skin

Most people wash their faces every day. While there are a number of expensive cosmetic options, the following simple household recipes can also help reduce wrinkles so you will have younger-looking skin for a fraction of the price. 6 ways to have younger-looking skin 1. Rice vinegar Method: Add a small amount of rice vinegar ...

Emma Lu

Young African American woman applying moisturizer on her face while standing in front of the mirror.

Simple Exercises to Nurture Your ‘Second Heart’

In order to live a long and healthy life, it is therefore important to regularly exercise your legs and nurture your ‘Second Heart’. Seventy percent of our blood is pumped back to the heart by the calf. So in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the lower leg is called the “second heart.” Why? The ...

Raven Montmorency

A broken heart.

Too Much Social Media Puts Kids’ Mental Well-Being at Risk

Children are particularly vulnerable to social media. It wasn’t that long ago that connecting to the Internet required a dial-up modem. Nowadays, it’s easy to access the Internet no matter where you’re at any time using your phone or laptop. But having access 24/7 is not all wonderful, especially for kids. Growing up in this ...

Rory Karsten

Teenage girl sitting on a park bench with her cell phone sending text messages.

Music Is Medicine in Shen Yun Performing Arts

In a Shen Yun production, music is a medicine that nourishes your soul. Shen Yun is a show that brings beautiful ancient Chinese culture back to life through traditional dance and music. It’s an explosion of color and traditional costumes, full of rich stories and legends with extraordinary talent and music. In ancient China, one of music’s earliest purposes ...

Jessica Kneipp

Shen Yun dancers performing on stage.

Study Shows Good Moral Values in Stories Can Positively Affect Teenagers

Parenting books and articles often highlight the importance of teaching our tweens and teens good morals. But what exactly are “moral values”? Why are they important? And what is the best way to teach them? At their most basic level, moral values are the guiding principles that give us a sense of what is right ...

Jack Roberts

Three girls look at fashion magazines together while sitting on the grass in the park.

How a POW Used Chinese Wisdom

This is a true story that happened in a Japanese-run prisoner-of-war (POW) concentration camp during World War II that was located in China. Every day, the Allied POWs had to do 15 hours of hard labor. The quality of the food served to the prisoners was poor and the available amount of food was very ...

David Jirard

American soldiers getting out of a truck at a Japanese prisoner of war camp during World War II.