Mind & Spirit, Featured

5 Foods to Prevent Hair Loss 

Research has found that people of the same age group who lose hair tend to look 10 years older than those who do not. Noticeable hair loss can be a worry, especially if it continues. We feature five foods that will help you prevent hair loss. Especially when people reach middle age, their work and ...

Helen London

Hair loss.

Pandemic Screen Time: Will Blue Light Glasses Help?

The blue light glasses industry has witnessed a boom during the pandemic time. As we all took our office work home and Netflix and other over-the-top (OTT) platforms were the only means of entertainment indoors, the demand for these glasses was on the rise. Reduced eyestrain and protection from the adverse effects of blue light ...

Armin Auctor

Blue light glasses on a laptop.

How One Man Uses Origami to Change People’s Hearts

Whatever you want or can imagine, Liu Tong can use his hands to create it just with a piece of paper. From a rhino down to a minuscule ant, he has created all of them by folding a single piece of paper. Liu Tong uses origami to describe his inner feelings, and his work is highly ...

Michael Segarty

Origami animals from Africa in origami desert setting with origami trees

These Aloe Vera Face Masks Can Target Just About Any Skin Concern

With modernization taking over almost all parts of modern human life, going back to nature is the only safe way to ensure that your skin and body are well-cared for. Rush hours, meetings, an irregular diet, and the lack of exercise routines wreak havoc in the lives of working adults, but teenagers are also not ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman with an aloe vera face mask.

The Mesmerising Tradition of Japan’s Ama-San Free-Diving Women

The Ama-San women of Japan uphold a 2,000-year-old tradition of free-diving. Ama means “sea woman,” and the connection these women have with the ocean is one of utmost care and respect, something in this day and age we could all learn from. Why Ama-San divers are treasured What makes the Ama unique is that they rejected modern technology that would ...

Jessica Kneipp

Japans traditional Ama-San diver.

Best Non-Alcoholic Drinks to Order

If you keep getting labeled as the killjoy at the party for being a non-drinker, and water, sugary soda drinks, tea, or coffee are the only choices left for you, then it’s high time to look up some non-alcoholic drinks that leave a refreshing taste on the buds. Usually, you see a never-ending list of ...

Armin Auctor

A non-alcoholic drink.

How to Choose the Best Motorcycle Tent

One idea for taking a trip that is trending currently is motorcycle camping. For this type of trip, it’s important to have a good motorcycle tent. Our elders once said that we only understand the value of something after we lose it. With the world being in lockdown for the best part of 2020, many ...

Raven Montmorency

Two motorcycles on a beach with tents in the background.

10 Tips for Healthy Kidneys

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the most important health care advice concerns our kidneys. Your kidneys aren’t very big — each is about the size of your fist — but they do important work. They keep you healthy by maintaining just the right balance of water and other substances inside your body. Unfortunately, if your ...

Emma Lu

A person with kidney pain.