Health, Featured

Stay Safe Online: Understanding the Online Dating Risk

Online dating has become a prevalent method for seeking romantic connections, widely used across various age groups and platforms, including social media and dating apps. Despite the convenience and accessibility of online dating, many users are unaware of the inherent risks involved. This article aims to highlight these dangers and provide practical advice for a ...

Viena Abdon

A young woman holding a smartphone and viewing an online dating app login screen.

Ancient Wisdom: How to Avert Disaster When Life Is Going Smoothly

When life goes smoothly, it’s easy to fall into bad habits. That’s why it’s essential to keep an eye on three key behaviors that, if neglected, can quickly steer you toward disaster. During times of prosperity and calm, it’s not just a good idea, but it’s essential to stay vigilant, for it’s in these peaceful ...

Tatiana Denning

Group of people in business attire standing outside an office building all giving a 'thumbs-up.'

Clearing the Digital Clutter: How a Social Media Cleanse Can Revitalize Your Life

Social media pervades nearly every aspect of your life, offering instant connection, information, and entertainment. However, the relentless influx of notifications, gossip, and catastrophic news can significantly affect your well-being, a realization that often comes too late. That’s why mental health professionals increasingly recommend a periodic social media cleanse, or digital detox, to counteract these ...

Nathan Machoka

Asian man holding a smartphone up and a warning finger.

8 Strategies for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life

Slowing down to enjoy life in the modern, fast-paced world is essential. However, the busyness of life never seems to stop. Most people are occupied from waking up until they set their heads on their pillows. Ironically, technology, meant to make our lives easier, contributes to this hectic existence. But how does being “productive” and ...

Nathan Machoka

A crowded city sidewalk.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s Rule: An Iron Fist Against Corruption and Lawlessness

As the founder of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, also known as Ming Taizu, was determined to build a strong, powerful, and morally upright empire. One of his primary strategies involved strict governance and a zero-tolerance policy for corruption and lawbreaking, even among his family members. This commitment to justice and integrity profoundly affected the ...

Hermann Rohr

Zhu Yuanzhang.

The Lasting Influence of the Qian Family: A Legacy of Virtue and Success

The Qian family, a name deeply etched in the annals of Chinese history, surprises many by ranking second in the “Hundred Family Surnames.” This narrative uncovers the profound impact of the Qian family’s virtues and decisions, drawing a line from the ancient Kingdom of Wuyue to today’s distinguished scholars and leaders. Unveiling the historical significance ...

Hermann Rohr

The King Qian Temple.

How to Teach Children to Respect and Manage Money

Teaching children to respect and manage money is crucial for future success and well-being. Instilling values of respect and responsibility toward money at a young age can lay the foundation for a lifetime of financial stability.  However, many parents may feel uncertain about approaching this topic effectively. This article explores practical tips on teaching children ...

Viena Abdon

Asian girl placing coins in jars to save her money.

Unlocking Juicy Secrets: How to Enjoy the Health Benefits of Pomegranates

Imagine yourself in a lush orchard where the air is thick with the sweet aroma of ripe fruit. Among the vibrant array, the pomegranates stand out like a ruby gem. Known for its delightful taste and myriad health benefits, the juicy seeds of the pomegranate are packed with flavor and nutrients. In this article, we ...

Viena Abdon

Pomegranates on a crate with a glass containing pomegranate juice.