Leadership, Featured

The Lasting Influence of the Qian Family: A Legacy of Virtue and Success

The Qian family, a name deeply etched in the annals of Chinese history, surprises many by ranking second in the “Hundred Family Surnames.” This narrative uncovers the profound impact of the Qian family’s virtues and decisions, drawing a line from the ancient Kingdom of Wuyue to today’s distinguished scholars and leaders. Unveiling the historical significance ...

Hermann Rohr

The King Qian Temple.

How to Teach Children to Respect and Manage Money

Teaching children to respect and manage money is crucial for future success and well-being. Instilling values of respect and responsibility toward money at a young age can lay the foundation for a lifetime of financial stability.  However, many parents may feel uncertain about approaching this topic effectively. This article explores practical tips on teaching children ...

Viena Abdon

Asian girl placing coins in jars to save her money.

Unlocking Juicy Secrets: How to Enjoy the Health Benefits of Pomegranates

Imagine yourself in a lush orchard where the air is thick with the sweet aroma of ripe fruit. Among the vibrant array, the pomegranates stand out like a ruby gem. Known for its delightful taste and myriad health benefits, the juicy seeds of the pomegranate are packed with flavor and nutrients. In this article, we ...

Viena Abdon

Pomegranates on a crate with a glass containing pomegranate juice.

Human Nature Is Good, Sometimes Kindness Just Needs a Spark to Ignite it

In an age where stories of negativity and conflict often dominate the headlines, it’s the quiet, potent acts of kindness that weave the underlying fabric of our society together. These acts of kindness, often unnoticed by the masses, hold the power to transform lives in unexpected and profound ways. The narratives that follow, set against ...

Emma Lu

Woman in a field with arms outstretched, surrounded by butterflies.

Turning Trash Into Educational Treasures: The Legacy of Uncle Yam Beans

In the quaint Guilai Community of Taiwan’s Pingtung City, a man affectionately known to his neighbors as “Uncle Yam Beans” lives. This inspiring tale of transformation and dedication vividly illustrates how collective community effort can lead to significant, impactful change. At the heart of this story is Chen Tianxan. His vision has turned what many ...

Hermann Rohr

Chinese yams.

Exhibiting the Radiance of Humanity: The Vegetable Vendor Chen Shuju

Chen Shuju is a traditional market vegetable vendor and philanthropist in Taitung, Taiwan. She is widely recognized for her continuous contributions to society, accumulating substantial donations over the years. Her fame stems from her humbly selling vegetables at three bundles for NT$50 for over 20 years, living frugally, and dedicating herself to long-term charitable endeavors, ...

Emma Lu

Chen Shuju.

Li Bi and the Wisdom of Non-Attachment to Power and Position

In the political arena of the mid-Tang Dynasty, Li Bi was a somewhat mysterious figure. He served four Emperors: Emperor Xuanzong, Emperor Suzong, Emperor Daizong, and Emperor Dezong. This period was disastrous, with treacherous ministers in power and vassal towns out of control. Li Bi’s longevity can be attributed to two principles Many ministers died ...

Emma Lu

Small Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.

A Stolen Watch, a Paper Bag, and a Teacher’s Lesson in Compassion

In a classroom brimming with the day’s usual hustle, an unsettling discovery was made—a student’s watch had vanished. As whispers swirled among the desks, a consensus formed: the culprit was surely among them, a fellow classmate. The tension escalated, and each student inwardly prepared to confront the thief, awaiting the teacher’s intervention with bated breath. ...

Mikel Davis

A school teacher's desk with a stack of books, colored pencils, and a green apple.

Foods to Incorporate in Your Diet That Help Prevent Blood Clots

It’s common knowledge that nutrition plays a crucial role in your overall health, but did you know that certain foods can help prevent blood clots?  While not a disease on its own, thickened blood is a condition that can significantly affect your health, particularly as you age or live with certain medical conditions like hypertension, ...

Hermann Rohr

A blood clot forming.