Relationships, Editor's Pick

Having Chinese Parents-In-Law Has Changed My Life

For thousands of years, daughters-in-law have dreaded their Chinese parents-in-law. Why? Because the son’s mother has more power and status in the family, according to Confucian principles of filial piety, sons — not daughters — are the only ones obligated to serve and care for their birth parents in their old age. As a result, ...

Raven Montmorency

An older Chinese couple.

Life Lessons: Exposing Children to Hardships

As much as we try to shield them from the most difficult of experiences, children are not immune to facing hardship. Whether it be as small as not getting picked at playtime or as large as losing a loved one, these hardships help to shape how a child handles life challenges. Parents and caregivers are ...

Emma Lu

A child facing a hardship.

Two Philosophical Stories About Fulfilling a Debt

No matter our wealth or position in life, there are other people to whom we will still find ourselves in debt. Here are two philosophical stories that showcase this. A man attempting suicide was rescued in a temple As the man slowly aroused from his stupor, he spied the Abbot and realized his suicide attempt ...

Emma Lu

Zen basalt stones and bamboo.

Dealing With Grief

Coping with losing someone or something you love is one of life’s biggest challenges. Often, the pain of grief can feel overwhelming. In addition, you may experience difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, and profound sadness. This pain can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, ...

Mike West

Grief therapy.

4 Character Traits That Define a True Friend

Friendships can majorly impact your health and well-being, but it’s not always easy to develop or maintain friendships. Understand the importance of social connection in your life and what you can do to build and nurture lasting friendships. What are the benefits of friendship? Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during ...

Emma Lu

Friendship in Chinese and English carved into a stone.

10 Things to Consider for a Successful Marriage

After the marriage and once the honeymoon is over, a couple’s life will gradually return to normal and begin to harmonize. However, it is said that “loving each other is easy, getting along is difficult.” Therefore, it’s not as simple as falling in love. The couple’s living habits and personalities need to integrate further; in ...

Emma Lu

A couple stand on the beach at sunset holding their arms so as to frame the setting sun in a heart-shape.

What is a Healthy Support System and How to Build One

People struggle socially, mentally, and emotionally for various reasons. Surrounding yourself with a healthy support system filled with supportive and positive individuals will aid healing. Family and friends can influence your life’s professional and personal aspects. These may be the needed support you are searching for just in case you feel unhealthy and unhelpful habits ...

Viena Abdon

Close-up of hand pile of smiling adults and children..

Hu Shih’s Remedy for Making a Marriage Last

Hu Shih (December 17, 1891 to February 24, 1962) was a Chinese literary scholar, philosopher, and diplomat. He held degrees from Cornell and Columbia universities and was later appointed Ambassador of the Republic of China to the U.S. between 1938 and 1942. He then served as Chancellor of Peking University between 1946 and1948. Jiang Dongxiu ...

Emma Lu

Hu Shih with Franklin .D. Roosevelt.

10 Steps to Overcome Negative Thoughts

Thinking traps are thinking patterns, which generally have a negative slant, that block us from perceiving things as they are. Thinking traps, also known as cognitive distortions, are firmly established in your mind and lead to negative thoughts. They can cause you to leap to conclusions and make poor judgments by warping your ideas, blocking ...

Ratul Saha

Challenge negative thoughts.

5 Qualities That Foster Communication Skills

When it comes to establishing a successful career, having excellent communication skills is crucial. However, your ability to communicate is also vital in your personal life. You may be stumbling over your words and hating your inability to project calm. The good news is that you’re not uncool; your communication skills haven’t been fully developed. ...

Ratul Saha

Communication skills.