Relationships, Featured

7 Ways to Build a Productive Work Environment

A productive work environment encourages and interacts with your employees, resulting in greater staff satisfaction, staff retention, and better mental health among your employees.  A healthy work environment allows you and your employees to exchange ideas for the company’s performance that can aid in its development. A positive work setting can also increase employee productivity ...

Viena Abdon

Happy workers.

Keys to a Successful Marriage

Love is an adventure, and sometimes marriage can be a big change. As your union grows, you’ll start to find the beauty in each other and the challenges that follow. Trying to navigate the complexities of marriage can be overwhelming. It will take work, but with patience and persistence, you’ll grow as a couple and ...

Viena Abdon

Young couple holding hands on their wedding day, standing outside in a field with rolling hills in the distance.

Money Says It All

Money says it all. Repaying it can show your character, while earning it can indicate your true nature. As such, it can reveal many aspects about you. It reveals your heart Someone shared online: “I liked to make friends and was relatively generous, so people, no matter close or distant, wanted to become my friend ...

Helen London

A woman's hands holding money.

5 Benefits of Practicing the Attitude of Gratitude 

It’s natural to feel overwhelmed or drained by life during difficult times. It might be challenging to focus on the positives when negative emotions and thoughts are present. However, practicing gratitude can help lessen these negative feelings.  You’ve probably heard the expression “attitude of gratitude.” It’s an excellent reminder to practice and live a grateful ...

Haidene Go


What to Do When You Meet Your Girlfriend’s Parents

Your first meeting with your girlfriend’s parents can be nerve-wracking, but it’s a big step in your relationship. It may also signify that your girlfriend is taking your relationship a notch higher from casual dating. But you are probably asking yourself whether your girlfriend’s parents will like you. And will you like them? So how ...

Nathan Machoka

An older couple.

How to Establish and Maintain a Healthy Relationship

Maintaining a healthy relationship can be challenging, but it’s worth the effort. A healthy relationship with lovers, friends, and family is beneficial. It boosts your mood, mental health, and overall well-being. However, it requires time and dedication. No partnership is perfect, but it should bring you more delight than stress. Ways to maintain a healthy ...

Viena Abdon

A man helping a woman up a cliff.

From Feminists to Tradwives: A Feminine Transformation

People often search the Internet and stumble upon a woman who seems to be from another era. And they can’t help but wonder what she is doing there — social media, online dating, or simply visiting a new part of town. These women are called tradwives. They live a lifestyle very similar to that of ...

Viena Abdon

A family having dinner together.

6 Habits That Will Help Children Have a Good Life

Ye Sentao, a famous educator, said: “Education means developing good habits.” Childhood is the beginning stage of your life, and it’s a crucial period for developing habits. If parents are mindful of their children developing good habits, it will be difficult for their children not to grow up to be good adults in the future! ...

Wilma Oakes

A young girl looking through her clothes.

Why Reaching Out to Friends Post-Pandemic Is Good for Your Overall Health

Living amid a global pandemic has impacted every aspect of our lives, from job security to health and stress levels. It has had an impact on our friendships, too.  Keeping up with friends hasn’t been easy with pandemic restrictions, working from home, e-learning, and Zoom fatigue. Some of us have even become disconnected from each ...

Haidene Go

Isolation during the pandemic.