
Super Blue Blood Moon: What You Need to Know (With Video)

A Blue Moon, Supermoon, and Blood Moon coincided on January 31, 2018 for the first time since 1866. It’s what has come to be known as a “Super Blue Blood Moon.” As people lifted their heads, in their line of latitude respectively, to observe the night sky, they would have noticed — the moon shone differently last night. ...

Hermann Rohr

Legendary NASA Astronaut John Young Dies at Age 87

Astronaut John Young was among the first men to walk on the Moon. He was NASA’s longest-serving astronaut and advocated for safety reforms after the 1986 space shuttle Challenger disaster. John Young died on January 5  at his home in Houston, Texas. He was 87 years old at the time of his death. NASA announced ...

Hermann Rohr

Commander John Young and pilot Robert Crippen take a break from their intensive training schedule to pose for pictures on the flight deck of the shuttle Columbia.

Why Meteoroids Explode Before They Reach Earth

It has never really been understood how our atmosphere protects us against meteoroid impacts. It’s well recognized that meteoroids often explode before they reach Earth’s surface; however, researchers were uncertain as to why this happened until now. Researchers from Purdue University have discovered our atmosphere is a better shield from meteoroids than previously thought. They ...

Troy Oakes

The Chelyabinsk meteor.

New Theory Says Aliens May Be More Like Us Than We Think

Due to Hollywood films and science fiction novels, most of us believe that aliens would come in the form of monster-like beings very different to humans. However, new research suggests we could have more in common with extra-terrestrials than we think. For the first time, researches have used evolutionary theory to support alien predictions and ...

Troy Oakes