6 of the Most Deadly Minerals From Around the World

Many of the modern developments have been made possible by minerals that are essential to electronics, construction, and so on. But many minerals are extremely toxic and can easily kill people. 6 of the most deadly minerals found on Earth 1. Crocidolite Many experts consider crocidolite as the single most dangerous and deadly mineral in ...

Armin Auctor


The Complications of Teacher’s Day Gifts in China

In China, September 10 is celebrated as Teacher’s Day. This should be a celebration of teaching as a noble profession. However, Teacher’s Day in China has unfortunately descended into a greed-driven event where parents give their kid’s teachers expensive gifts in hopes that they will treat their children with special care, something that many people ...

Armin Auctor

A gift wrapped with a star.

Dazhishan Xuankong Temple’s Garden Features Breathtaking Rock Scenery

Nestled in the countryside near the Zengwen Reservoir in Nanxi District in southern Taiwan’s Tainan City is a magnificent garden affiliated with a Buddhist temple, Dazhishan Xuankong Temple. With a breathtaking garden, the temple ranked first among the 100 most beautiful religious sites in Taiwan in an online poll conducted by the Ministry of Interior ...

Billy Shyu

Stalactites at the Dazhishan Xuankong Temple.

Corn: The Rice Alternative With Many Health Benefits

From ancient times to the present day, many people, including emperors, generals, and ordinary people, have liked to eat corn. It has a high nutritional value and can help prevent coronary heart disease, obesity, and gallstones. The nutritional value According to historical records, Emperor Zhengde of the Ming Dynasty was hungry when he was away ...

Helen London

Corn on the cob.

Retribution for Killing and Breaking a Vow

Does retribution really exist? During the Southern Song Dynasty, there was an older man named Zhang who lived in Nanhantou Village, Pingyu County, Henan Province. He made a living by catching birds and had only one young son. One day, his son died unexpectedly. Zhang thought he had nobody to rely on and cried by ...

Helen London

Leaves changing color in autumn.

6 Amazing Places You Must Visit in China

When people think of visiting China, their minds are largely filled with images of strolling on top of the Great Wall or walking down the streets of Beijing. However, China is much more than this. If you plan on visiting the country anytime soon, there are some amazing places you should visit. 6 amazing places ...

Armin Auctor

Covered boats in a Suzhou canal.

Whale Myths From Around the World

Whales are some of the biggest creatures on the planet. Throughout the course of human history, various civilizations have come into contact with these majestic animals, with some believing them to be an overwhelmingly dangerous entity while others have simply seen them as a symbol of might and benevolence. Here are some interesting whale myths ...

Jessica Kneipp

A whale watercolor.

The Health Benefits of Dong Quai, AKA ‘Female Ginseng’

Dong quai is a medicinal herb that is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The plant can be found in high-altitude regions throughout the Far East. The name dong quai means “return to health” in the Chinese language and is an indication of the rejuvenating ability of the herb. Also known as “female ginseng,” ...

Emma Lu

Dong quai roots.

Did the Chinese Discover America Before Columbus?

In 2002, British author Gavin Menzies published a book titled 1421: The Year China Discovered America. As the name suggests, the book postulates that Chinese sailors discovered the land of North America in 1421, more than 70 years before Christopher Columbus landed on the continent. Did the Chinese discover America or is Menzies’ proposition just another ...

Emma Lu

An ancient map of North America.