Humanity Vs. Communism: Human Rights Watch Blasts China in Recent Report

Human Rights Watch (HRW) recently published its World Report 2020, with a foreword by Executive Director Kenneth Roth, blasting China for its increasing human rights violations. It warns that Beijing sees human rights as an existential threat and is reacting in a way that could endanger the rights of humanity on a global level. Focus ...

Max Lu

A candlelight vigil in Hong Kong.

How Chiang Ching-kuo Developed His Anti-Communist Stance (Part 2)

Despite a harsh life in Russia, Chiang Ching-kuo never gave up on the hope that one day he would return to China. Eventually, when the war between China and Japan was imminent in 1937, the shift in the international political climate allowed him to return to China as Stalin hoped to form an anti-Japanese alliance with ...

Helen London

Chiang Kai-shek (right), Yuan Fu Mao Fumei (left), mother Wang Caiyu (center), and Chiang Ching-kuo (front).

Hong Kong Supporter Attacked by Pro-China Men in Australia

China seems to be in no mood for allowing even people outside the country to have an opinion of their own. A Hong Kong protester recently reported that he was attacked and chased by some masked pro-Beijing men in Australia. The attack “They were nearby my house and waiting for me… They knew my address, ...

Max Lu

The Sydney Opera House.

The Symbolism of Flowers and Fruit in Chinese Art

Chinese art is rich with depictions of nature. In most cases, every flower, plant, or fruit depicted in a work of art will have some meaning as determined by the traditional symbolism attached to it. Knowing what the symbolism means can be a doorway to understanding the true meaning of a specific artwork. For instance, ...

Jessica Kneipp

A red lotus flower.

China Working Hard at Manipulating Students and Universities in the UK

In a bid to expand its influence in the UK, China is manipulating students and universities in the country. This is raising concerns among British lawmakers as to the presence of Chinese students and Beijing-backed institutions in the United Kingdom. Chinese meddling in the UK “At LSE (London School of Economics and Political Sciences) we ...

Armin Auctor

Cambridge University.

Interference From China: Papers Confiscated and Events Cancelled in the UK

A report by the UK’s Foreign Affairs Committee (FCO) has revealed large-scale Chinese interference in academic institutions. It criticizes the British government for failing to consider the extent of the threat and not providing enough guidance to the universities on the issue. Chinese interference “The committee highlighted the role of China-funded Confucius Institutes’ officials in ...

Max Lu

The British flag flying.

Upholding Integrity

Confucius was once a SiKou (司寇), similar to a Minister of Justice. On the seventh day of this post, he punished a local Shaozeng (an official title) Mao (少正卯) with the death penalty. Some considered the punishment to be too severe and too soon. After all, Confucius was very new to this position, but he ...

Armin Auctor

A boat with Tell the Truth on the side.

How to Develop an Ethics Culture in Your Small Business

Having a strong culture based on ethics is crucial in developing a long-lasting business. Only then will small businesses retain high-quality employees and maintain productivity at peak levels. In order to develop a culture in your office based on ethics, try out the following ideas. Focus on personal relationships in your small business Because a ...

Armin Auctor

Speaking to a group of people.

Terracotta Warriors Guarding Immortality Exhibition

The feature exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) in Melbourne is the Terracotta Warriors and Cai Guo-Qiang, combining ancient Chinese artifacts with brilliant artwork by Cai Guo-Qiang. All the tomb warriors are individually made and when you take a closer look at each one, you can see each one displays its own personality. ...

Trisha Haddock

A terracotta archer.

The Battle of Animated Movies: ‘Spirited Away’ Vs. ‘Toy Story 4’

Comparing animated movies, Toy Story 4 may be a huge hit in North America, but it has been defeated in China by Hayao Miyazaki’s 2001 classic Spirited Away. Why? It’s not a surprise, actually. Japanese vs. American animated movies Pixar finally launched its beloved Toy Story characters with a bang for the final installment. It has ...

Armin Auctor

A scene from 'Spirited Away.'