Beauty in Imperfection: The Mysterious Origin of the Venus de Milo

The Venus de Milo, one of art history’s most important sculptures, continues to fascinate audiences today. The marble masterwork, housed in the Louvre in Paris, is praised for its Hellenistic artistry, recognized for its beauty and controversial design.  The story of the statue, like many other prized antiquities, remains a mystery from the time it ...

Haidene Go

Statue of the Venus de Milo on display at the Louvre.

Mysterious Giant Stone Jars Found in India

Mysterious giant stone jars that may have been used for burial rituals have been unearthed across four new sites in Assam, India. The discovery comes from a major collaboration involving researchers at The Australian National University (ANU).  The 65 newly discovered giant stone jars vary in shape and decoration, with some tall and cylindrical, and others ...

Troy Oakes

Giant stone jars found in India.

The Mysterious ‘Chase Vault,’ the Crypt Where Coffins Refused to Stay Put

On the island of Barbados sits the quaint Christ Church Parish. It’s much like any other church, complete with a quiet graveyard, the final resting place for many of the island’s inhabitants. However, not all of its residents are at rest; one tomb called the “Chase Vault” is anything but at rest. The Chase Vault has ...

Troy Oakes

Stone crosses marking graves.

432Hz: The Mysterious Frequency That You Didn’t Know About

Perhaps you have heard of the power of 432 Hz, which is considered the most “harmonious melody in the universe” and is said to be able to purify the mind, relax the body, and even have a healing effect. The frequency of 432Hz even helped to reduce crime rates at shopping malls. What is the ...

Believe It Or Not

432 Hz: The Mysterious Frequency of Music and Sound

In Kansas City, in the U.S., there is a woman named Marissa McCracken. When she hears music, colors and amplitude patterns naturally emerge in front of her eyes, which she then paints into colorful paintings. This neurological trait is known as synaesthesia. From Melissa’s paintings, we can see that different musical tunes manifest different colors and patterns, with 432 Hz being the most harmonious.   ...

Believe It Or Not

Sheet music.

The Mysterious Home of the Maya Death Gods and the ‘Crystal Maiden’

In the heart of Belize, lost in its jungle, lies a mysterious cave that when talked about seems to have come straight out of an Indiana Jones movie. Within the cave, there are artifacts as well as several sets of human remains, one of which is called the “Crystal Maiden.” The site is called Actun ...

Troy Oakes

A human skeleton on the floor of a cave.

Mysterious STEVE Light Emissions Emanate From Earth’s Magnetosphere

For years, amateur aurora watchers from Canada have noticed mysterious streaks of pale purple and green light that seemed to dance across the nighttime sky. But it wasn’t until 2016 that they shared their colorful images with scientists, who soon identified the light show as a new type of upper-atmosphere phenomenon that was jokingly named ...

Troy Oakes


How Were an Icebound Ship’s Passengers Mysteriously Saved?

This is the story of how an icebound ship’s passengers were rescued because of the vision a merchant ship’s first mate had. One day in 1828, onboard a merchant ship traveling between Liverpool, England, and Canada, Robert Bruce, the first mate, saw a man he did not know sitting in the captain’s cabin writing on ...

Helen London

A merchant ship sailing through fog.

Mysterious Keelung Islet in Taiwan

With a graceful parabolic contour, Keelung Islet was once a mysterious islet that looks like a charming whale standing out in the ocean. As one of the eight scenic spots of Keelung City in northern Taiwan, the islet is referred to as “Taiwan Dragon Ball.” It is because the islet seems to be a ball ...

Billy Shyu

Keelung Islet in northern Taiwan.

Rujm el-Hiri: The Mysterious Monument as Old as Stonehenge

In a land dotted with ancient dolmens or tombs from a time before the urban centers of civilization had arisen in Mesopotamia and Egypt, stands a monument as old as Stonehenge. According to local legend, it was the “land of ancient giants.” The monument is called Rujm el-Hiri, which means “the stone heap of the wild cat” or ...

Troy Oakes

Gilgal Refa'im wheel.