What Happens When You Die on Mars?

Death is inevitable. All things come to an end, as they say. And what comes from the earth, will always go back to its embrace. But what if, perchance, you were qualified to go on a voyage to one of the closest neighbors in our solar system — Mars? Say you had lived for a ...

Armin Auctor

A spacecraft landing on Mars.

A Cozy Café on Taiwan’s Matsu Islands

Situated on the western tip of Nangan Island (南杆) in Taiwan’s Matsu Islands, Furen Café (夫人咖啡), also known as Madam Café, is a cozy coffee shop on the island’s Xiwei Village (四維村), also known as Furen Village (夫人村). The café is the namesake of the village’s nickname, which is so-called because of various distinct legends. ...

Billy Shyu

The Furen Café.

How the Chinese Coronavirus Impacts Global Economies

The coronavirus outbreak has not only triggered a medical emergency, but it also has the potential to derail the global economy if it is not quickly contained. Experts have already warned about slower economic growth for the year. A study by the World Bank proposes that a severe pandemic could shave off 5 percent of ...

Jack Roberts

The New York Stock Exchange.

Space Radiation: Fungi From Chernobyl Might Save Astronauts

In space, astronauts often live with the risk of being exposed to too much radiation, which could cause severe damage to their long-term health. Researchers have discovered a strain of fungus that might help resolve this issue. This particular fungus, called Cryptococcus neoformans, apparently has the ability to feed on radiation and was discovered at ...

Armin Auctor

An astronaut on a space walk.

Chinese Traditional Medicine: Taking Care of Health During the Spring

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), every change in the universe and human body occurs in five stages that are linked with a specific season as well as organs in the body. Spring is seen as the beginning of a new cycle of life and a time for rejuvenation. It is represented by the wood ...

Emma Lu

A bluebird in spring.

Growing Luffa Gourds and Turning Them Into Bath Sponges

Luffa gourds, also known as ridge gourds, are a popular vegetable usually grown for creating natural sponges. People use these sponges to brush and detox the skin, releasing toxins trapped inside. The process not only stimulates cell regeneration, but it also improves skin tone and boosts blood circulation. If you want to make your own ...

Raven Montmorency

Sage Can Eliminate Bacteria in the Air

People have been burning sage for centuries as a religious ritual. However, the latest research suggests that burning the plant can help to eliminate bacteria in the air, making the air cleaner and more healthy for everyone to breathe in. Clean air “We have observed that 1h treatment of medicinal smoke emanated by burning wood ...

Raven Montmorency

Burning dried sage.

How to Prepare Your Garden for Spring Even When It’s Cold

If spring days will be arriving soon, you do not need to wait until the end of winter to prepare your garden. You can start doing all the basic things right now even when it’s cold. Preparing the soil for spring planting The first thing to do is to start tilling or turning the soil, ...

Raven Montmorency

Veggies from your garden.

Ceramic Pillows: How People in the Song Era Used to Sleep

When we speak of pillows, we usually think of something soft on which we rest our heads. However, Chinese people in ancient times would often sleep on ceramic pillows, which were hard as a rock. During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), these ceramic pillows were at the peak of their popularity. Ceramic pillows The trend of ...

Emma Lu

A Chinese ceramic pillow.

Australia’s Secret Mission to Protect ‘Dinosaur Trees’ From Bushfires

With fires consuming a significant portion of Australia’s plant and animal life, the government acted swiftly to protect a very unique species of plants. The plants, called “Wollemi pines,” but popularly known as “dinosaur trees,” have been on the planet for millions of years. The trees are located in Wollemi National Park. Saving the dinosaur ...

Raven Montmorency

‘Wollemi pines,’ also known as ‘dinosaur trees.'