5 Tips for Building Your Own Moon Garden

If you are someone who likes to stay awake at night rather than sleep like everyone else, you should consider creating a moon garden. Such gardens are specifically designed to be experienced during nighttime, under moonlit skies. This is not a new concept. Moon gardens have a long history and can be found in countries ...

Raven Montmorency

A moon garden.

Feng Shui Factors to Consider When Looking for a House

Looking for accommodation can be a critical life issue for every person at some point in their lives. There are many factors to be concerned about, so when you make your final decision, you will not rent an unpleasant house. Feng shui (Chinese geomancy) has certain conditions for homes and some houses that do not ...

Helen London

A suburban house.

4 Ways to Make Your Christmas Tree Environment-Friendly

According to the National Christmas Tree Association, almost 27.4 million real trees were used during Christmas in 2016. Of late, there has been a growing concern that having a Christmas tree is not a “green” activity. If you share such an opinion, you can put those worries to rest. 4 simple suggestions for your Christmas ...

Armin Auctor

A decorated Christmas tree.

Why Losing Amazon Tribes Is a Disaster for Modern Medicine

The advent of modern medicine has truly been a blessing for humankind. Cures for diseases that were once thought to be incurable have been discovered, infant mortality has declined, and the average lifespan of human beings has increased. However, modern medicine is not the only source of medical knowledge. Many Amazon tribes are in possession ...

Raven Montmorency

Amazon tribal people.

Electric Monopoly: How China Dominates the Future of Electric Vehicles

By 2040, almost 50 percent of cars on the road are projected to be electric. At present, China controls the global market in electric vehicles by monopolizing the manufacture and supply of batteries. Battery dominance in electric vehicles “In early 2019, there were 316 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of global lithium cell manufacturing capacity. China is home ...

Max Lu

An electric car being charged.

Turning (More) Fat and Sewage Into Methane

North Carolina State University researchers have developed what is, to date, the most efficient means of converting sewage sludge and restaurant grease into methane. After treating sewage, wastewater treatment plants are left with solid sludge, called biosolids. For years, utilities have treated biosolids with microbes that produce methane. In recent years, utilities have been adding ...

Troy Oakes

Anaerobic digesters.

Useful Tips for Daily Life

There are a number of useful tips and hacks that you can use in your daily life to help overcome some common issues you may run into. 18 useful tips to use in your daily life 1. What to do when your eyes water while eating spicy food If the food you eat is spicy ...

Helen London

Person sampling street foods in China using chopsticks.

Similarity Between the Figures of Yule and Christmas

Anyone who knows about the Germanic festival of Yule will instantly see its similarities to Christmas. This is not an accident. Many of the symbols popular in Christmas celebrations have their origin in Yule. During the Christianization of Europe, Yule traditions merged with the Christian faith. Santa Claus A major attraction of any Christmas celebration ...

Raven Montmorency

A decorated Christmas tree.