Bees and Ecology: Why Asian Worker Bees Prefer European Queen Bees

In China, European honey bees were introduced in the 19th century. Since then, almost 80 percent of the country’s native honey bee population is estimated to have been lost. The European honey bees are now causing a major change in China’s cultivation tactics, as well as the flora of the land. Bees decline in China European ...

Armin Auctor

A colony of European bees.

U.S. to Block China Takeover of Ukrainian Company

With China showing an increased interest in Ukraine, the United States has been concerned about how Beijing might manipulate the Eastern European nation. The latest tussle between the two superpowers centers on a Ukrainian aerospace company called Motor Sich. Blocking the takeover Motor Sich is one of the largest airplane and helicopter engine manufacturers in ...

Jack Roberts

A helicopter engine.

Quandong: An Australian Superfood Loved by Aborigines

Quandong is a fruit that has been used for thousands of years by aboriginal Australian tribes. Members of the Pitjabtjara Tribe used to eat the fruit before venturing out for hunting trips. While the fruit was seen as an excellent substitute for meat, its bark and leaves were primarily used for medicinal and ceremonial purposes. ...

Armin Auctor

A handful of quandongs.

What Caring Emperors Do for Their People

Opening the chapter on Chinese history, we find that all good and caring emperors had something in common: They held the people in their hearts and treasured them as their children. If natural disasters occurred, emperors would first look within to decide whether they had sinned. They believed that when they had done something wrong, ...

Helen London

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

China Organ Harvesting Fears Lead to Retraction of Medical Studies

Fifteen medical studies were retracted from two journals in August over concerns that their authors used organs from the organ harvesting of executed prisoners in China. The medical journals, Transplantation and PLOS ONE, pulled the studies that they had published from 2008-2014, the blog Retraction Watch reported. The report said that two of the studies ...

Max Lu

Organ harvesting.

Romance and Fortune: A Look Into the Famous Chinese Lanterns

Chinese lanterns are admired for adding an ambiance of serenity and calmness to the surroundings. You should easily be able to spot them in most Chinese restaurants. Usually red in color, these Chinese lanterns have been in use in China for centuries. Chinese lanterns Originally, Chinese lanterns were not meant to be a decoration, but ...

Armin Auctor

Chinese lanterns.

Beyond Reasonable Doubt: China Found Guilty of Organ Harvesting

China has consistently denied organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and other groups. About 4,316 people have been confirmed dead (as of Aug 11, 2019) due to this state-sanctioned organ extraction. However, the real number of victims is believed to be far higher, according to independent researchers. The independent China Tribunal that was set up ...

Jack Roberts

A beating heart ready to be transplanted.

The Incredible Medicinal Properties of Bamboo

Bamboo is the tallest member of the grass family and is known to have several pharmacological uses. There are more than 1,600 species across 120 genera. Its shoots are rich in vitamins, protein, fiber, and minerals while being very low in fat. Combating various types of cancer Bamboo contains a class of complex organic polymers ...

Raven Montmorency

A pile of bamboo.

Will Natural Resources Run Out During Our Lifetime?

Human society is built on the consumption of natural resources like fresh water, coal, oil, gas, and so on. Unfortunately, these natural resources are not available in infinite quantities and will run out at some point in the future. And a few of these natural resources might be on their last legs in our lifetime. ...

Armin Auctor

An ocean oil rig.

Ancient Culture: Flower Arranging Across the World

Flower arranging is one of the oldest decorative art forms. And China has a pretty rich history in this field, with the earliest records of arrangements seen around 207 BCE to 220 CE during the Han era. The culture Practitioners of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism played an important role in the development of flower arrangement ...

Raven Montmorency

A flower arrangement including sunflowers.