Top 5 Things to See in Zhangjiajie

Located in Central China, Zhangjiajie is about 600 miles away from Hong Kong. The region is well known for its mountain peaks, which number more than 200. Here are five places you need to check out in Zhangjiajie. What to See 1. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Are you a fan of the 2009 movie Avatar ...

Raven Montmorency

The Jiangjiajie National Forest Park.

New Insight Into the Origin of Water on Earth

Scientists have found that interstellar organic matter could produce an abundant supply of water by heating, suggesting that organic matter could be the source of terrestrial water. There remain a number of mysteries on our planet, including the elusive origin of water on the Earth. Active studies suggested that terrestrial water was delivered by icy comets or ...

Troy Oakes

Drops of water causing ripples.

Wang Hui, an Expert in Chinese Landscape Paintings

Wang Hui (1632-1717) was a Chinese artist who is well known for his landscape paintings. Inspired by the works of past masters, Wang Hui developed his own methods and techniques, which reinvigorated the tradition of Chinese painting. Wang Hui, the Chinese artist Wang Hui was born in Suzhou. Right from a young age, he was ...

Jessica Kneipp

A landscaspe painting by Wang Hui.

The Intricate Varieties of Chinese Sculpture Styles

Over the course of thousands of years, the mastery of the art of Chinese sculpture was only rivaled by other ancient civilizations like the Greeks, Indians, and Egyptians. 4 different varieties of Chinese sculpture 1. Jade sculpture The Chinese hold jade in very high regard. In fact, jade was seen as being symbolic of Chinese ...

Emma Lu

Chinese jade sculpture.

Busting the Photography Myth of ‘Rule of Thirds’

If you have ever been interested in photography, you will have come across the “Rule of Thirds” concept that promises to make your every shot “well-composed.” So what is the Rule of Thirds? Imagine that you place two horizontal and vertical lines over a proposed image. These lines will make nine equal parts. The idea ...

Jessica Kneipp

Photography's Rule of Thirds.

General Huang Zhong Valued Honor Over His Own Life

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one of the four great novels of ancient China, depicts the era in which a group of warlords divided China into several separate states and the wars that raged among them. This fictionalized account of that time is famous for its moral lessons of valor and righteousness. Of course, ...

Helen London

A picture from 'The Three kingdoms.'

Emperor Kangxi’s Family Maxims Illustrate Traditional Chinese Civilization

Emperor Kangxi worked diligently all his life — cultivating himself, regulating the family, managing the state, and bringing peace to the world. Most of his offspring were blessed with both brains and physical prowess. He left in his teachings a maxim for future generations in which he summarized the way of teaching children and illustrated the Chinese ...

Helen London

A lotus flower.

Why Socrates Hated Democracy

Modern society has been established on democratic ideals where every person has a say in the government through a vote that determines the ruling party. The idea of Western democracy comes from ancient Greek democracy practiced in the times of Socrates. However, Socrates wasn’t much of a fan. In fact, one could argue that he ...

Raven Montmorency