blessings, chinese traditional culture, conscience, integrity, loss is a blessing, morality, wealth

Integrity Brings Wealth and Blessings

Regardless of what culture or race we belong to, integrity has the highest value. A friend of mine brought US$15,500 (100,000 yuan) to Shenzhen to take over a business laying floor tiles. After the contract was signed, the selling party from Shantou knew that it would be a loss-making deal. So the boss from Shantou ...

Helen London

Floor tiles.

Whether You Encounter Misfortunes or Blessings Are God’s Grace

Those situations in life that you may at first think are misfortunes, when you take a moment and look a little deeper, you will see that God’s grace encompasses all things, all events, and all situations. Look a little closer and you will find the pearls and blessings in disguise. Following an accidental shipwreck, Jimmy ...

Michael Segarty

A shipwreck.

Life Will Be Good Once These 3 Blessings Are Cherished

It does not matter whether a person lives a long life or a short one. The key value of life lies in what we have done and our blessings. Life is worthy not because we have done something great or small. Many things may seem pretty common in our daily lives, but they usually are ...

Helen London

A sunset through clouds.

A Fool’s Blessings

There is a well-known folk story told by Chinese people. The protagonists of the story are a rich man, a fool, and an old monk. The rich man was cheap and stingy and the fool did not care much about little things. The rich man hired a field hand named Zhang, who was honest and ...

Helen London

The words 'cow' and 'oil' in Chinese sound similar.

True Kindness Transforms a Beggar Into a Queen

A long time ago, there was a mountain called the Dark Mountain, where many saints, sages, and monks lived. Once, some elders led a group of people up the mountain on a pilgrimage where they witnessed a beggar’s true kindness. At that time, there lived a poor beggar woman. She saw the pilgrims heading up ...

Nspirement Staff

Power Without Virtue Will Bring Disaster

In an era of scandals — such as infant formula contaminated with melamine, children vaccinated with fake vaccines, food containing additives that have adverse health effects, and others — people are becoming outraged and feeling anger and hopelessness. The world is getting worse and beginning to decline. Those in power have no virtue. According to the ...

Nspirement Staff

Treat Little Troubles as Blessings in Disguise

Little things in your life, no matter how insignificant they seem at the time, might change your future. For example, some people encountered little troubles, accidents, or things that disrupted their schedule on September 11, 2001, saving them from the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The president of a company escaped the disaster because ...

Audrey Wang

Some people escaped the attack on the World Trade Center due to little things