china, e-cigarettes, health effects, vaping crisis

Vaping Kills: Utah Teen Develops Fat Particles Inside Lungs

An 18-year-old Utah teenager was placed in a medically-induced coma as a result of a rare lung disorder that developed from years of vaping. The teenager, Maddie Nelson, is one among the many American citizens whose health has been damaged by the use of e-cigarettes. Vaping crisis “I had fat particles growing inside my lungs ...

Jack Roberts

A young woman vaping.

Man Gets Thrown in Jail for Sharing Picture of Dalai Lama

Displaying its blatant hatred for Tibetan Buddhists, Beijing arrested a man for sharing a picture of the spiritual leader the Dalai Lama through the social media platform WeChat. The incident took place in July and the person, Rinso from Dzoege County, was released a few days later. Acting against Dalai Lama supporters “Police released him ...

Max Lu

Tibetan monk hading out treats to children.

Chinese Fentanyl: Killing Americans by the Thousands

Around 2013, narcotics made in China started hitting American streets. Soon, they became so popular that the overdose deaths kept piling up year after year. Chinese-manufactured fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, is estimated to have killed about 79,000 people just within the last three years. This is greater than all the deaths of American combatants in ...

Jack Roberts

The opioid fentanyl.

U.S. to Block China Takeover of Ukrainian Company

With China showing an increased interest in Ukraine, the United States has been concerned about how Beijing might manipulate the Eastern European nation. The latest tussle between the two superpowers centers on a Ukrainian aerospace company called Motor Sich. Blocking the takeover Motor Sich is one of the largest airplane and helicopter engine manufacturers in ...

Jack Roberts

A helicopter engine.

Book Review: ‘The China Fantasy’ by James Mann

In 2007, American author James Mann wrote a book called The China Fantasy in which he predicted that capitalism would not bring democracy to the Asian nation. More than a decade later, some of his predictions remain true. Expecting a change in China When the U.S. was engaged in a Cold War with the Soviet ...

Jack Roberts

'The China Fantasy'

British Consulate Helpless as Employee Detained in Mainland China

A few weeks back, a Hong Kong citizen working for the British consulate was detained in mainland China by authorities. While the Chinese government claims that the employee, 28-year-old Simon Cheng, is being kept in custody for “solicitation of prostitution,” many believe that the real reason behind Cheng’s arrest is his support for the Hong ...

Max Lu

The British consulate in Hong Kong.

Good Ol’ Times: The Simple Roadside Barbers of China

In China, barbers used to traditionally operate on street sides. Only in modern times has customer privacy become a thing in barbershops. Nowadays, only a few street barbers remain in China, mostly old-timers who just keep on doing what they’ve been doing for a long time. But when they finally retire, it’ll be the end ...

Max Lu

A street barber.

U.S. Defense Secretary Labels China as Number One Priority

Mark Esper, the newly appointed U.S. Defense Secretary, believes that China is the biggest threat to America. A former Army lieutenant colonel, Esper has spent 10 years on active duty and 11 years in the Army National Guard and Reserve. Prioritizing China “China is the number one priority for this department. It’s outlined in the ...

Jack Roberts

China's army.

Pew Research: Anti-China Sentiment Grows in the United States

China spends billions of dollars every year to ensure that it is positively perceived in the international community. But if the latest data from Pew Research is any indication, all those billions are going to waste in the U.S. since more Americans now view China more negatively than ever before as anti-china sentiment grows in ...

Jack Roberts

Anti-China sentiment is growing in the U.S.

Gao Zhisheng: One of the Most Persecuted Chinese Human Rights Lawyers

Gao Zhisheng is one of China’s famous human rights lawyers. Fighting for human rights only means one thing in the country — persecution. Gao’s fate has been no different from other rights activists, as he was arrested and tortured countless times. After his last disappearance two years ago, Gao’s wife is now pleading with the ...

Max Lu

Gao Zhisheng.