airlines, airports, covid-19, face masks, flying, food, pandemic, sanitizer

What You Need to Know Before Flying in 2021

Since the world spiraled into a global health crisis owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, traveling has become a farfetched dream for many. The complications around traveling only increased as the threat of contracting the coronavirus did. Now that we have access to a vaccine, people are starting to get comfortable with the idea of traveling ...

Armin Auctor

Toy plane with a world map, passports, and tickets.

COVID-19 Makes the Brain Age 10 Years, so What Can Be Done?

Last October, a large study by the Imperial College London surveyed 84,000 people who had recovered from the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and found that many of the patients were left with significant cognitive deficits. Some of the most severely affected patients in the survey showed brain age deterioration of up to 10 years.  Now, more ...

Tatiana Denning

Doctors looking at a brain scan.

Pension Figures Spark Doubts Over Chinese Coronavirus Deaths

From the time of the coronavirus pandemic, Beijing had to face enormous criticism over its lack of cautionary measures that led to the creation of the fiasco. On top of that, the U.S. and several other countries accused China of allegedly suppressing the actual death figures. While Beijing has consistently denied charges of hiding actual ...

Max Lu

A woman wearing a mask.

Leaked ‘Wuhan Files’ Purport to Show How and Why China Deliberately Misled the World

The United States and other Western governments have been accusing China of deliberately concealing critical information regarding the coronavirus since the beginning of the outbreak. The Chinese government has rejected these claims, but a report titled The Wuhan Files, published by CNN, has seemingly exposed that the authorities downplayed confirmed cases and failed to disclose ...

Michael Segarty

Coronaviruses in red.

A Mask That Can Deactivate the Coronavirus in 2 Hours Developed in Spain

A Spanish company, Bioinicia, has created a mask that is claimed to be powerful enough to deactivate the coronavirus in two hours. A pack of 25 masks costs US$72.81, which makes them roughly US$2.91 each. They are available in Mexico and Europe, along with Spain, their country of origin. The masks are fitted with special ...

Jack Roberts

Five different types of face masks.

How to Alleviate Pandemic-Induced Anxiety in Children

With the advent of COVID-19, life as we have known it has changed drastically. Not only has it turned our adult lives upside down, but the lives of our children have also been drastically impacted. No one really knows how much anxiety they are under, or how their young world is being affected. Gone are ...

Tatiana Denning

Three children at a laptop computer.

Chinese Pianist Fou Ts’ong Dies From COVID-19

World-famous Chinese pianist Fou Ts’ong, known as the “Piano Poet,” has died from COVID-19, leaving a hole in the world of classical music. He had been hospitalized for two weeks before passing away on December 28, 2020, in London, England. The family letters Among other things, Fou Ts’ong and his late father, the Chinese intellect ...

Hermann Rohr

Fou Ts'ong playing a Steinway piano.

Britain Imposes New National Lockdown Restrictions

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced new national lockdown restrictions in the country amidst rapidly surging cases triggered by a new strain of COVID-19. The restrictions are expected to remain active for at least the entire month of January. Johnson noted that the new strain, named B.1.1.7, was spreading in a “frustrating and alarming” manner. ...

Jack Roberts

A couple social distancing.

Evidence: Spread of COVID-19 Is Sensitive to UV Exposure

Researchers uncover evidence that UV radiation from sunlight reduces COVID-19 transmission. Scientists, policymakers, and healthcare workers are eager to discern to what extent the spread of COVID-19 may be seasonal. Understanding this aspect of the disease could guide our response to the pandemic. Researchers have found evidence that the spread of COVID-19 is sensitive to ...

Troy Oakes

A COVID-19 virus.

Traditional Ways to Protect Yourself From COVID-19

Apparently, no scientist has ever seen it, and seemingly it has never been isolated, but the very mention of the word COVID-19 has thrown the entire world into a frenzy of chaos and fear. Humanity has encountered and overcome so many calamities on our journey back to the stars. There have to be simple and ...

Michael Segarty

A flowing stream.