Hardware giant Bunnings breached the privacy of “likely hundreds of thousands” of Australians through its use of facial …
facial recognition
In Your Face: Our Acceptance of Facial Recognition Technology Depends on Who Is Doing It — and Where
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesFacial recognition technology is becoming more widely used, but broader acceptance from the public has not matched this. …
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is extending surveillance technologies like facial recognition in China, with religious places being …
China is building the biggest AI surveillance system in the world, complete with millions of cameras set up …
The Chinese government is mandating the installation of “smart locks” in rental properties across China. These devices lock …
China has one of the most extensive surveillance systems in the world, with millions of CCTV cameras spread …
A Normal Day in Chinese Schools: Smart Uniforms and Facial Recognition
by Max Luby Max LuWith the Chinese government bringing every aspect of human life under surveillance, it was inevitable that even children …
In China, Artificial Intelligence is being increasingly used in schools. While AI is said to be helping students …
Many people have suggested that the Hong Kong police might be using facial recognition software to keep the …
Human Rights
Hong Kong Face Mask Prohibition: Implications and Facial Recognition
by Hermann Rohrby Hermann RohrOn October 4, the Hong Kong government issued the Forbidden Masking Act. It is the latest measure in …