christmas, christmas carols, family, snowman, traditional values

Reflections From Past Christmas Holidays

Ah, Christmas. It’s a time of joy and cheer, lights and festivities, family and friends. It is, as they say, the most wonderful time of the year. I grew up loving Christmas. My mom always went to great lengths to make the holiday season fun for us kids. Of course, it always seemed like Christmas ...

Tatiana Denning

A Christmas tree ornament.

The 8 Graces of Life

Having a grateful heart, we have to be aware of the eight tremendous graces in life and return the blessings when the time comes. 8 graces to be grateful for 1. The grace of nature Nature bears us. We live, we take, and we grow in it. That is why ancient people respected nature. They ...

Nspirement Staff

A forest path.

Life Will Be Good Once These 3 Blessings Are Cherished

It does not matter whether a person lives a long life or a short one. The key value of life lies in what we have done and our blessings. Life is worthy not because we have done something great or small. Many things may seem pretty common in our daily lives, but they usually are ...

Helen London

A sunset through clouds.

Investing Quality Time in Your Inner Circle

Humans are intrinsically social beings and need to spend quality time together. As a species, it’s been hardwired into us to live within a community framework. Of course, there are definitely other examples of community-based existence in the animal kingdom, like baboons or even elephants for that matter. However, what makes humans different is how ...

Raven Montmorency

Asian family at the table. Father, two children and a mother reaching from inbetween the children passing the father a green salad bowl.

10 Gifts You Can Give Your Child in 2019

Being a good parent can mean so many things. For some of us, it’s providing our children with everything they need — whether materially or activity-wise; for others, it’s making sure they have a good education and enough money so as not to struggle in the future; and some parents focus on spending time with ...

Emma Lu

Positive discipline.

How the Chinese Celebrate Christmas Amid Communism

Since it’s a communist country, the government in China is pretty harsh on Christians. Many who profess their Christian faith are persecuted and forced to accept the superiority of the communist ideology. Churches are often destroyed and there are restrictions on celebrations. Despite such great odds, Christmas amid communism is celebrated with much fanfare by ...

Nspirement Staff

Portraits of Significant Urban Trees by Artist Fran Lee

Hatch is an Art Gallery in Ivanhoe and I stepped into it finding a magnificent art exhibition about historic trees growing in the area of Banyule. As I admired each painting, I felt as if I met all of the six significant trees personally. A map has been drawn to show you where these trees ...

Trisha Haddock

Have a Happy Holiday at the Kyneton Bushland Resort!

Our view of the Kyneton Bushland Resort was of rolling hills and a lush green countryside with autumn leaf colors that appeared repeatedly. Kyneton is an Australian town situated in the Macedon Range of the state of Victoria. Entering the Kyneton Bushland Resort, we couldn’t wait to explore the natural bushland. Native animals live in the ...

Trisha Haddock

The Importance of Chinese Culture

Chinese culture is important, as it plays a significant role in defining every aspect of a Chinese individual’s life. This includes the way the individual conducts business, how one treats the family and elders, how responsibilities are distributed in a family, and so forth. As a result, understanding Chinese culture and its influence on society ...

Nspirement Staff

The First Mother’s Day

There is one special day of the year we all need to remember, and that is Mother’s Day.  Our mothers are treasures, and it’s important to have a day to acknowledge them and all the good that they do for us. Inspired by her own mother, the first Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis ...

Trisha Haddock