china, diligence, fan chunren, forgiveness, frugality, government, integrity, law, loyalty, prime minister, principles, virtue

The Virtuous Prime Minister Fan Chunren

Fan Chunren was the second son of the renowned Northern Song statesman Fan Zhongyan. As prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, Fan Chunren had a peculiar habit. Whenever he finished his work at the government office, he would change into simple, plain clothing as a part of his daily routine. From his youth to ...

Tatiana Denning

A statue of Fan Chunren.

Timeless Virtues: The Honesty and Frugality of Prime Minister Sima Guang

Sima Guang (1019-1086), a prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, also known by his courtesy name Junshi, was a native of Sushui Township in Xia County (present-day Shanxi Xia County), Shaanxi Province. He was a renowned historian. When Sima Guang was born, his father, Sima Chi, served as the Guangshan County magistrate in Guangzhou. ...

Mikel Davis

Statue of Sima Guang.

The Inspirational Story of Kou Zhun’s Mother: A Lesson in Moral Education

China, with its 5,000-year-old civilization, has always been recognized for the importance it places on familial education. Ancient Chinese believed in nurturing good character and morals in their children, such as the renowned minister Kou Zhun, following the principle that one can only “manage the family, govern the country, and pacify the world” by leading ...

Max Lu

Chinese painting of Kou Zhun, an official during the Northern Song Dynasty.

Ancient Chinese Poem: Family Education Emphasized Morality and Character Building of Their Children

China has a civilization with a history extending back over 5,000 years, and has always been famous for its emphasis on “family education” and building the moral character of its children. The ancients taught their children to cultivate morals to enable them to “consolidate their family, govern their country, and make the world peaceful.”  This valuable ...

Michael Segarty

Two ancient Chinese talking.uilding of Their Children