During the Three Kingdoms period, a tumultuous time in Chinese history marked by political intrigue and military conflicts, …
historical stories
Chinese CultureFeatured
Chinese CultureFeatured
Righteousness and Loyalty in Ancient China: Inspiring Stories of Moral Virtue
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisThroughout history, the values of righteousness, loyalty, and moral integrity have been cherished and revered across cultures. These …
This is the story about a promise that has been kept for over 200 years. In Manhatten’s Riverside …
Chinese CultureFeatured
Good Governance Offered Protection From a Locust Plague
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisThroughout history, there have been numerous records of locust plagues, often occurring during times of poor governance. However, …
Feng ShuiFeatured
Unlocking the Power of Books: How Reading Shapes Your Destiny and Transforms Your Future
by Hermann Rohrby Hermann RohrIn feng shui, a profound saying highlights the significant ways one can alter one’s fate: destiny, luck, feng …
Inspiring Stories of Abraham Lincoln: Lessons in Leadership and Integrity
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisPeople who get entangled in trivial matters often find it difficult to accomplish great things. Lincoln dismisses trivial …