hard work, humility, mother, mothers love, personal transformation, survival, wealth

How a Soldier Learned Humility

Franz was an East German soldier who had served in the military for several years. He had always been a loyal soldier, strictly following orders from his superiors. But one day, he encountered a situation that confused him and questioned his moral conscience. On that day, Franz was assigned to a small town to carry ...

Viena Abdon

East Berlin.

The Art of Modesty: Showcasing Your Worth Without Bragging

Most people generally dislike a braggart, yet nearly everyone secretly desires to be the center of attention. Some may unintentionally be lavish, while others use calculated tricks to influence those around them. Still, you risk coming across as overly optimistic or conceited in either situation. Perhaps the best way to boast is not to boast ...

Viena Abdon

Proud woman pointing to herself and smiling.

3 Stories from Ancient China: The Power of Kindness

Ancient China has left us many stories full of wisdom and valuable lessons. One common theme is the importance of kindness, for within it lies the power to change the world.  Ancient Chinese stories about the power of kindness 1. A Buddhist master’s wisdom One cool summer evening, an elderly Buddhist monk strolled outside the ...

Tatiana Denning

A stone with the word 'kindness' on it.

The Three Treasures of Life: Integrity, Wonder, and Self-discipline

An old saying goes: “Only by knowing shame can we have self-esteem.” Shame is not far from reproach. With a sense of guilt and remorse, you feel ashamed of yourself when you do something wrong. You feel upset when you fall short of your efforts and let your family and friends down, as well as ...

Emma Lu

A red and white water lily.

Chinese Idiom Explained: ‘Humbled by the Vast Ocean’

There is a Chinese idiom about how one gets “humbled by the vast ocean.” This quote is mostly used in the context of teaching a person to remain humble despite having power since there will always be someone else more powerful than them. The idiom The Yellow River was considered special in ancient China. After ...

Emma Lu

Sunrays shing through clouds over the ocean.